

linux and school, http://www.google.com/; http://www.seul.org/edu/links.html 

相關計畫, http://www.lins.fju.edu.tw/~mao/va/amigo.htm 




南非Linux 聯盟主席Paul Kotschy表示,外國的專家都認為Linux 以及開放原始碼軟體在非洲有獨特的地位,其影響力不亞於已開發國家。並且要讓使用者知道Linux 以及開放原始碼技術是低成本,以及提供許多解決方案的優點。

AfricaToday.com執行長Oliver Kramer表示,在Linux 獲得廣泛的接受之前,一些急迫的技術議題必須由非洲政府決定。例如撤銷國有電信管制規定,那麼電話普及率能增加,而且學校可以連上網路。不久之後將有數百萬的非洲學生使用Linux與技術。


阿根廷 --->

2001年4月, 阿根廷國會正積極討論自由軟體法案,以阿根廷國內的公共管理機關、地方自治組織與國營企業為對象,若法案成立實施,這些機構的IT系統與設備依法只能使用自由軟體。

包含九項重點的草案中,重點精神與開放原始碼的GPL 類似,不過在執行上強制規範阿根廷公立機關必須使用開放原始碼軟體,初期建議由首都布宜諾思艾利斯的市政府、行政機構與公立大學開始示範這項措施。


Free Software Law for Argentina

There's presently a law being discussed at the Congress in Argentina, that would make mandatory the use of and migration to Free Software when possible.

That law was originally proposed by a Congressmen, but he contacted people from the Free Software Community in Argentina (non-profit organizations, LUGs, etc.), and we have already suggested many changes that are making into the law. This has already a big push from a lot of people (including RMS), but we are interested about opinions and suggested changes for the law, coming from the Slashdot community

Sorry for not having an URL published, there's one but we have very little bandwidth

This is a translation of the law being discussed. It's already in discussion at the congress, and moving on

Note: all uses of the "free" word are for spanish "libre", i.e, free as in free speech, not free beer.

Policy for Free Software use for the Federal State

Article 1: The National Public Administration, Decentralized Organizations and corporations where the State is a majoritary shareholder will only use for their IT systems and equipments free programs (software).

Article 2: "free program (software)", will be understood as software with a license of use that guarantees the user, without an extra fee, the following rights:

  1. Non-restricted use of the program for any purpose
  2. Exhaustive inspection of the internal program operation.
  3. Use of the internal working, and of arbitrary segments of the program, to adaptate them to user needs
  4. Production and distribution of copies of the program
  5. Modification of the program, and free distribution of the modifications and the resulting new program, under these same conditions.

Article 3: The source program of any free program must be the primary resource used by the programmer for modifying and inspecting it. Therefore, no program categorized as free can contain any restriction difficulting its access, or intermediate stages as output from a non-free pre-processor or compiler.

Article 4: Licenses for free programs used by the National Public Administration, Decentralized Organizations, and corporations where the State is a majoritary shareholder, will have, in all cases, to allow explicitly modification and derived works, as well as non-restricted distribution of these works with the same license as the original program.

Article 5: The Executive Power will set in a term of 180 days, the conditions, timelines, and ways to implement the transition from present systems to free programs as defined in Articles 1 to 4; and will move future licitations and contracting of computer programs (software) in that direction.

Artice 6: From the date established by the Executive Power on, Public National Organizations mentioned in article 1 of this law, will not be allowed to use programs that store data in non-public format, or with licenses which:

  1. Imply any form of discrimination to people or groups.
  2. Don't fulfill of the preceding Article 2.
  3. Are specific or exclusive for only one product.

Article 7: Once finished the transition term, with a duration regulated by the National Executive Power as expressed in Article 5, there will be exclusively contracting and use of free computer programs.

Article 8: The Public State Universities, the Provincial and the City Governments, and the Autonomous Government of the city of Buenos Aires are invited to adhere this initiative

Article 9: Communicate this to the National Executive Power"


墨西哥 -->

Arturo Espinosa Aldama 於1998年10月29日的文件提到:

計畫以每年安裝二萬至三萬五千個電腦教室的進度,在五年內安裝出14萬間電腦教室,全部採用GNU/Linux + GNOME的系統

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) 負責軟硬體的規劃,Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa (ILCE) 協調來自政府及捐贈的經費。


去信被退回, 沒有後續報導, 或許已中止。



Trinity College, Melbourne University, 全面採用Linux環境, http://it.mycareer.com.au/news/2001/06/05/FFX9ZT7UENC.html

送電腦兼教自由軟體, http://www.computerbank.org.au/ 

The Computerbank Project,http://www.computerbank.org.au/


加拿大 -->



美國 -->




中國 -->


2001/5/3, 中共政府命令所有官員用大陸紅旗軟體公司(Red Flag Software)製的中文版Linux作業系統管理電腦伺服器、操作連接上網的程式、收發電子郵件,且文件一律用簡體中文打字。

大陸版的Linux稱為Chinese 2000,結合了試算表、中文文字處理、繪圖和專為小企業設計的商用軟體,並可在資料庫中儲存加密資料和電腦程式,容許以密碼登入的使用者取用。

馬來亞 -->

Sabah, Malaysia is starting with a similar proyect. Mail Lim Hock Song <hslim@kkipcom.com.sabah.net.my>, 無效


法國 -->

1998年十月28日, 法國Linux使用者協會(AFUL, French association of Linux users) 與法國教育部簽訂協議, 由Linux使用者協會協助各地的高中、國中及國小安裝Linux及自由軟體。為期兩年,自動延期。

  1. 安裝Linux作業系統的伺服器 -  建議相關的軟體及安裝網路

  2. 安裝多重開機工作站 - 做為過渡期,與商業軟體並存。





St John's School in Northwood, London, UK. St John's uses a Red Hat Linux 6.0 based server to provide MySQL and PHP enabled web space, shell access and Pine based email to a network of 24 PCs.http://www.lfsp.org/


使用Linux的學校名單, http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm

GNU/Linux TerminalServer for Schools Success Stories, at Humboldt-Oberschule in Berlin/Germany by Dr. Bernd Kokavecz, http://termserv.berlios.de/success-stories.html