- 地圖資料的製圖細節項, The mathematical data Area
- 比例尺
- 投影法
- 經緯度及畫夜平分點
- 資源特性
- 數位製圖
- 卷期編次
- 樂譜的樂譜型式項, Musical presentation statement area
- 樂譜型式敘述
- 電子資源的資源特性項, Type and extent of resource area
- 資源類型標示
- 資料量
- 連續性資源的卷期項, The numeric and/or alphabetic, chronological, or other designation area
- 以數字、文字編次 Numeric and/or alphabetic designation
- 按年份編次 chronological designation
- 微縮資料的資料特殊細節項 Special data for cartographic materials, music, and serials
編目地圖資料時, 資料特殊細節項稱為製圖細節項(Mathematical and other material specific details area), 著錄地圖的比例尺及製圖方式等事宜。
依序著錄數個製圖細節項: 數學資料(mathematical data), 資源特性(type and extent of
resource), 數位製圖(digital graphic representation), 卷期編次(numbering related
to serials)。(3.3A3)
著錄多組資料特殊細節項時, 應依序著錄: 製圖細節、資源特性、數位製圖、卷期編次。
Scale not given (W 138°59'-W 93°47'/N 74°25'-N 69°16'). --
Electronic data
Scale 1:250,000 ; universal transverse mercator proj. (E 138.00°-E 153.92°/S9.00°-S29.83°). -- Electronic data. -- Raster : pixel. -- 1966 -
,必要時,編目員應自行換算,無法決定比例尺時,則著錄比例尺不詳(Scale not given)。(3.3B1,
Scale ca. 1:26,000,000
(Scale as it
appears on the item)
Bartholomew one inch map of the
Lake disrice [GMD]. -- Rev. -- Scale 1:63,360
. -- 比例尺 1:250,000
. -- 比例尺約 1:63,360
. -- 比例尺不詳
主要著錄來源的比例尺未以標準方式呈現時, 可將正確的比例尺著錄於方括弧內。
Scale [1:253,440]
(Scale statement
reads: 1 inch to 4 miles)
得自主要著錄來源以外的比例尺, 應置於方括弧內。
Scale [1:26,000,000]
Scale [ca. 1:26,000,000]
Optional addition 在作品找到的比例尺文字敘述, 照錄之, 以圓點引出。
Scale 1:250,000. 1 in. to 3.95 miles. 1 cm. to 2.5 km.
Scale 1:59,403,960. "Along
meridians only, 1 inch = 936 statute miles"
Scale [ca. 1:90,000] not "1 inch to the mile"
Scale 1:15,000-1:25,000
主圖有多種比例尺時,著錄比例尺不同(Scales differ),(也可採取其他做法 Optionally:
數種比例尺採用不同的投影法,可著錄在不同的比例尺細目。無共同題名時,依個別題名順序,分別著錄比例尺;有共同題名,則先著錄最大的 比例 尺
Scale 1:50,000 (W 94°42'4"-W93°00'00'/N 49°00'00"°-N 48°31'00"). -- Scale 1:250,000 (W 94°43'-W 92°00'/N 49°00'-N48°13')
有數種比例尺,但採用相同的投影法,表示同樣的經緯度,依序著錄比例尺在同一個細目內;無共同題名時,依個別題名順序,分別著錄比例 尺;有共 同題名,則先著錄最大的比例尺。
Scale 1:7,819,000 AND [ca. 1:15,000,000] (E 66°-E 138°/N 54°-N18°)
Scale 1:7,819,000 (E 66°-E 138°/N
54°-N 18°). -- Scale [ca. 1:15,000,000] (N 66°-E 138°/N 54°- N 18°)
Scale 1' per 2 cm.
Scale 1:744,080. 1 in . to ca. 28
miles. Vertical scale ca. 1:96,000
Scale 1:250,000. vertical
exaggeration 1:5
; conic equidistant proj.
Optional addtion,
; transverse Mercator proj.,
central meridian 35°13'30"E
; azimuthal equidistant proj.
centered on Nicosia, N 35°10', E 33°22'
. -- 比例尺 1:250,000 ; 圓錐等距投影法 (東經 79 - 東經 86 / 北緯 20 - 北緯 12)
(E 79°-E 86°/N 20°-N 12°)
(E 15°00'00"-E17°30'45"/N 1°30'12"-S 2°30'35)
(W 74°50'-W 74°40'/N 45°5'-N 45°00')
Optionally 可以用十進位表示經緯度,格林威治子午線以東及赤道以北,用正號表示,格林威治子午線以西及赤道以南,用負號 表示;或者以W、E、N、S分別表示其西、東、北、南的極點。
(N 95.15°-W 74.35°/N 56.85°-N 41.37°)
Optional addition
(W 114°/N 32° ; W 117°/N 33° ; W
121°/N 35°; W 120°/N 42°;
W 120°/N 42° ; W 120°/N 39° ; W115/N 34° ; W 114/N 32°)
在此範圍 內,不被繪製的區域,以反時鐘方向著錄各頂點。(3.3D1)
(W 115°40'-N 33°15' ; W 115°35'/N 33°20' ; W 115°55'/N 33°32' ; W 116°5'/N 33°32' ; W 16°10'/N 33°30' ; W 115°50'/N 33°20' ; W 115°40'/N 33°15')
有經緯度時,應同時著錄其畫夜平分點,先著錄eq.,再加上觀測年代;元期不同於畫夜平分點時,應在畫夜平分點之後,著錄之,先給逗 點,再加上epoch及實際的元期值
(RA 16 hr. 30 min. to 19 hr. 30 min./Decl. -16° to -49° ; eq. 1950, epoch 1948.5)
(RA 16 hr./Decl. -23° ; eq. 1950)
(RA 2 hr./Decl. +30° ; eq. 1950)
(RA 2 hr. 00 min. to 2 hr. 30 min./Decl. -30° to -45° ; eq. 1950)
(Centered at South Pole/Decl. limit -60°)
Scale not given (W 138°59'-W
93°47'/N 74°25'-N 69°16'°). -- Electronic data
電子地圖應著錄資料類型(網格raster、向量vector、點陣point)、物件類型(如:點、線、多邊形、圖素)、物件數量、及格式名稱 (如: 數位轉換資訊);至於拓樸層次(VPF等)及壓縮方式等資訊,則著錄在附註項。
Point : point ; ASCII
Raster : pixel (5,000 X 5,000) ;
Vector ; Shape
Vector : points, lines, and
polygons ; E00
Vector : network chains
Vector : point (13672), string
(20171), GT-polygon composed of chains (13672) ; ARC/INFO export
Vector ; MID/MIF
連續性的電子資源, 應著錄其卷期編次。
Scale 1:3,000,000 at 45°N ; polar
sterographic proj. (W 140°-W 52°/N 78°-N 41°). -- 1st ed.
Scale 1:3,000,000 at 45°N ; polar
sterographic proj. (W 140°-W 52°/N 78°-N 41°). -- 1st ed. (1976)-3rd
ed. (1978)
Scale differ. -- Feb. 28-Mar. 6,
1983-Nov. 12-18, 1984
. -- 比例尺 1 : 250,000 ; 圓錐等距投影法 (東經 79 - 東經 86 / 北緯 20 - 北緯 12)
祗有一個細目: 樂譜型式敘述。
照錄在主要著錄來源的樂譜型式敘述。把音樂的實體演奏方式, 著錄在這裡。
. -- 管弦樂-總譜
Score and set of parts
Miniature score
Playing score = 演奏總譜
有數種語文時,選取與正題名相同者,若有困難,則取用排名在前者。Optionally 或依序著錄並列敘述。
Partitura = Partition
Jatszopartiture = Playing score
可以被直接存取或遠端存取之電子資料檔及程式檔, 稱為電子資源。(13.0)
Electronic resources consist of data (information representing
numbers, text, graphics, images, maps, moving images, music, sounds,
etc.), programs (instructions, etc., that process the data for use), or
combinations of data and program. (9.0A1)
從編目的角度看, 電子資源可分為直接近用或遠端近用兩種。載體可以被描述的電子資源, 視為直接近用的電子資源,
磁片、光碟片、隨身碟等均是, 必須與電腦設備連結, 才能使用。不需要載體即可使用的電子資源, 視為遠端近用的電子資源, 以終端機即可操作,
透過網路連結到電腦系統, 或儲存在硬碟或其他儲存設備, 均是。
資料 著錄資料的記錄數,或位元組總量。
Electronic data (1 file : 350
Electronic data (550 records)
Electronic data (1 file : 2.5
Electronic data (1 file : 600
records, 240,000 bytes)
Electronic data (1 file : 1.2 megabytes)
程式 著錄程式的敘述數,或位元組總量。
Electronic program (1 file :
200 statements)
Electronic program (2150 statements)
Electronic data (3 files :
100, 460, 550 records)
Electronic programs (2 files :
430, 1250 bytes)
Electronic data (2 files : ca.
330 records each)
Electronic data (2 files :
800, 1250 records) and programs 93 files : 7260, 3490, 5076 bytes)
Electronic data (2 files : 3.5, 2 megabytes)
Continuing resources 有兩類:
Continuing resource. A bibliographic resource that is
issued over time with no predetermined conclusion. Continuing
resources include serials and ongoing integrating resources.
Integrating resouce. A biliographic resource that is added to
or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are
integrated into the whole. integrating reources can be finite or
continuing. Examples of integrating resources include updating
loose-leafs and updating Web sites.
Serial. A continuing resource issued in a succession of
discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined
conclusion. Examples of serials include journals, magazines,
electronic journals, contiuing directories, annual reports, newspapers,
and monographic series.
Series. 1. A group of separate items related to one another
by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper,
a collective title applying to the group as a whole. The
individual items may or may not be numbered. 2. Each of two or
more volumes of essays, lectures, articles, or other writings, similar
in character and issued in sequence (e.g., Lowell's Among my books,
second series). 3. A separately numbered sequence of volumes
within a series or serial (e.g., Notes and queries, 1st series,
2nd series, etc.).
以同樣的格式著錄首期與末期的數字或文字編次, 依照規定的縮寫及數字方式著錄;複製的連續性出版品,依原來的編次著錄。
Population trends [GMD]. -- 1-
Papers on formal linguistics [GMD]. -- No. 1-
Policy publications review [GMD]. -- Vol. 1, no. 1-
Poetry North-est [GMD]. -- Issues no. 1-
Magic touch [GMD]. -- Pt. 1-
Miscellaneous report on biodiversity [GMD]. -- -no.10
Word processing report [GMD]. -- International ed. -- Vol. 1,
no. 6-
appears on last issue of previous serial as: vol.1, no.5)
數字編次時,選用與正題名語文相同者,若有困難,則選用第一個。 (12.3B2)
Annual report on consumer policy in OECD member countries
[GMD] / Organization for Economic co-operation and Development. 1975-
Commonwealth immigration [GMD]. -- Jan./Feb. 1964-
International commercial television rate and data book [GMD].
-- 1961/2-
appears on issue as: 1961-2)
Selected publications in European languages [GMD] : SPEL. --
No. 1 (Feb. 1973)-
. -- 第1卷第1期(民19年2月) -
有多個編次系統時, 依序著錄之。
Vol. 3, no. 7- = no. 31-
已停刊的連續性出版品, 應著錄首期及末期的編次, 若不知道首期編次, 則著錄末期的編次。
Vol. 3, no. 6 (Aug./Sept. 1970)-v.
5, no. 3 (Mar. 1972)
-v. 10, no. 12 (Dec. 1995)
改變編次系統後, 應先著錄舊編次系統的首期及末期, 再著錄新編次系統的首期。
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1943)-v. 10,
no. 12 (June 1953) ; no. 1 (July 1974)-
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1995)-v. 4,
no. 12 (Dec. 1998) ; Jan. 1999-
新的編次系統有文字說明時, 應照錄。
Vol. 1, no. (June 1986)-v. 8, no.
12 (Dec. 1993) ; new ser., v. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-
編次內容沒有改變, 祗是重新編次, 應加上相當的文字說明。
No. 1-no. 6 ; [new ser.], no. 1-
No. 1-no. 6 ; [new ser.], no.
1-no. 3 ; [3rd ser.], no. 1-
Vol. 1-no. 1 (jan. 1992)-v. 4, no.
3 (Mar. 1995) ; [new ser.], v. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1996)-
No. 1-no.6 ; [2nd ser.], no.
1- ; -3rd ser., no. 104 ; 4th ser., no. 1-
微縮之地圖資料、樂譜、連續性出版品,其資料特殊細節項分別依照 3.3, 5.3, 12.3的規定著錄之。中國編目規則修訂二版則將規定置於
5.3, 6.3, 3.3。電子資源沒有微縮的可能。
資料特殊細節項適用於那些類型的資料? 分別著錄那些細目?