1. What is a catalogue?
2. Functions of
3. Anglo-American
Cataloguing Rules
1. Structure of AACR2
4. Choice of access
1. General rule: 21.1(23)
2. Works of single responsibility: 21.4(19)
3. Works of unknown or uncertain authorship, or by unnamed groups:
4. Works of shared responsibility: 21.6(25)
5. Collections, and works produced under the direction of an editor:
6. Mixed responsibility: 21.8-21.28(27)
7. Related works: 21.28(28)
8. Added entries: 1.29-1.30(29)
5. Headings for persons
1. Choice of name: 22.1-22.3(31-32)
2. Entry element: 22.4-22.11(33-39)
3. Additions to names: 22.12-22.20(40-43)
4. References to personal name headings
6. Corporate bodies
1. Establishing the name of a corporate body
2. Subordinate and related bodies
3. Government bodies and oficials
4. References to headings for corporate bodies
7. Uniform titles:
8. Discussion
1. citations, catalogue entries and metadata
2. Direct versus collcative in AACR2
1. Rules pointing to a direct catalogue
2. Rules pointing to a coolcative catalogue
3. The out-of dateness of cataloguing rules
第3章描述文件: 文件表示法、引文與摘要、書目記錄格式等, 本章探討接近使用目錄的方法。檢索項又稱為標目,
一種被索引典及編目規則所規範的目錄控制語言; 有很多索引典, 編目規則潦潦可數。
英美編目規則(AACR), 1967年出版, 1978年第二版(AACR2)問世, 1988年及1998年大幅修訂,
2004年版調整部份內容, 2005年正準備AACR3。
AACR2的Part I Description [描述資料], Part II Headings, Uniform Titles,
and References [標題、劃一題名及參照]。
目錄是館藏的清單, 以系統的方法供檢索之用。它的型式有: WebPAC、OPAC、卡片目錄、書本目錄、微縮目錄等。
標目是類目的控制詞彙, 普通分類法已有百來年的歷史, 受到傳統的制約, 從編目規則的複雜性、分析款目的做法, 可以逐步地解析問題,
找出最佳的對策。目錄的功能究竟在目錄本身或它所帶來的綜合價值, 還在探討中, 瞭解目錄的功能有助領悟目錄的角色及作者的企圖。
"Statement of Principles adopted at the International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, October 1961", published by IFLA in 1971, http://www.folger.edu/bsc/dcrb/dcrbarchive.html
2. Function of the catalogueThe catalogue should be an efficient instrument for ascertaining
2.1 whether the library contains a particular book specified by
a. its author or title, or
b. if the author is not named in the book, its title alone, or
c. if author and title are inappropriate or insufficient for identification, a suitable substitute for the title; and
a. which works by a particular author and
b. which editions of a particular work are in the library
3. Structure of the catalogue
To discharge these functions the catalogue should contain
3.1 at least one entry for each book catalogued, and
3.2 more than one entry relating to any book, whenever this is necessary in the interests of the user or because of the characteristics of the book..."