


第1章 公共圖書館的角色及功能

2章 立法及經費

Chapter 3. Meeting the Needs of the Users

Chapter 4. Collection Development

Chapter 5. Human Resources

Chapter 6. The Management and Marketing of Public Libraries

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

The Public Library Service:
Guidelines for Development

Muchen : K.G.Saur, 2001


取代1986年版的 " Guidelines for Public Libraries " 。 It has been drafted by a working group made up of members of the Committee of the IFLA Section of Public Libraries. The members of the working group were:

    Philip Gill (United Kingdom), Chair
    Barbara Clubb (Canada)
    Ilona Glashoff (Germany)
    Kerstin Hassner (Sweden)
    Nerses Hayrapetian (Armenia)
    Robert Pestell (Australia)

1998年8月,在聯合國教科文組織的贊助下,在荷蘭的Noordwijk舉行兩天的研討會,把結論提交IFLA的三次年會討論,阿姆斯特丹(1998)、曼谷(1999)及耶路撒冷(2000)。由公共圖書館組(Committee of the Section of Public Libraries)及服務民眾的圖書館部(Coordinating Board of IFLA Division 3 Libraries Serving the General Public)共同討論。

The contributions at the Noordwijk seminar, at the IFLA Conferences and by those to whom the drafts have been sent for consultation have been invaluable. We are grateful to all those who have commented on the work as it has progressed and to those who have provided practical examples to illustrate the text. We are also grateful to the Assistant Director (Lifelong Learning), Buckinghamshire County Council, England for permission to reproduce their Library Service Customer Charter.

The interest shown in this publication as it has been in preparation is evidence of the demand for guidelines for public libraries which reflect the changed information world in which they now operate. With the benefit of the input we have had from public librarians from around the world we trust that these guidelines will be relevant to public libraries at varying stages of development in the early years of the 21st. century and can help librarians to meet the exciting challenges they now face. It is in that belief that we offer this publication to public librarians world-wide.

Philip Gill


In 1994 the third version of the IFLA / UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was published. It rapidly became recognised as an important statement of the fundamental principles of the public library service. It has been translated into over twenty languages and become an influential document in public library development. (See Appendix 1) It also became apparent that there was a need and a demand for a more detailed statement of practical guidelines and standards which librarians and policy-makers could use in developing public library services. The committee of the IFLA Section of Public Libraries decided to prepare new guidelines and appointed a group of six of its members to carry out the drafting.

In 1973 IFLA published "Standards for Public Libraries", re-issued with slight revisions in 1977. In 1986 this was replaced by "Guidelines for Public Libraries". Both these publications have been overtaken by the dramatic developments in information technology, which have taken place in the last few years. As their titles suggest they represented two different approaches to providing practical guidance to librarians. The introduction to the 1973 Standards states " Separate standards were not considered desirable, since the general objectives in all countries were the same, the modifying factor being the pace at which development could take place. " The 1973 version therefore provides a range of quantitative standards including the size of collections, size of administrative units, opening hours, staffing levels and building standards.

Those drafting the 1986 Guidelines took a different view " When needs and resources vary so widely there can be no common standards for services...We are offering not rules but advice, based on experience drawn from many different countries and capable of general application... Recommendations as to desirable levels of provision, based on past experience in quite different circumstances are bound to be unreliable and misleading." Statistics of public libraries in different countries were provided in an appendix against which librarians could measure their own service.

In preparing this new edition a number of issues were raised and addressed but perhaps the three key questions were

    Should the final document include both guidelines and quantitative standards or be limited just to guidelines?

    Would it be possible to draft a version, which could be of practical use to librarians in countries with public library services at different stages of development and with very different levels of available resources?

    Is it possible to make recommendations on the use of information and communications technology in public libraries when there are such great variations in its availability and in the resources to provide and support it?

In order to get a view on these and other issues a seminar was held in Noordwijk, Netherlands in August 1998 to discuss the content of the new edition and the form that it should take. It was attended by twenty-two librarians from twenty-one countries in different parts of the world and from public libraries at different stages of development and with varying levels of resources. The conclusions reached at the end of that stimulating event have informed the work of the group carrying out the revision.

The Noordwijk delegates strongly supported the view that the new publication should include some practical standards and not be confined to guidelines and recommendations. It became apparent that, though many people were aware of the 1973 Standards and still used them to a certain extent, the 1986 Guidelines had not made the same practical impact. Though fully aware of the wide variety of social and economic circumstances within which public libraries in different countries operate it was decided that if this new edition was to have practical value it should include some recommended standards.

The decision to include standards highlights the importance of the second question, whether a set of standards and guidelines can have universal relevance. As each draft has been produced it has been sent to the Noordwijk delegates, and to a number of other people who have shown interest in the project, for their reaction. Meetings have been held on the project at the IFLA conferences in Amsterdam (1998), Bangkok (1999) and Jerusalem (2000). This consultative process has been an invaluable element of the project and has revealed both the strength of the public library movement world-wide and the similarities and differences in public libraries in different countries and societies.

Despite the variations in levels of service and in funds to support and develop them it was decided that it would not be fruitful to attempt to prepare a new edition which was aimed at one group of public libraries, for example those in the "developed " or the "developing" world. Such categorisation is misleading as the level and range of services and their effectiveness is not necessarily based on the available resources. Libraries in any country and at any stage of development are capable of improvement and all will have both strengths and weaknesses. It was decided, therefore, to produce a set of guidelines and standards, which could be relevant to any public library at some point in its development. We recognise the problem of meeting standards when reliable population figures are not available and have suggested alternative approaches. We recommend that the more detailed guidelines produced by specialist sections of IFLA are also used. Where public libraries cannot meet all the standards and recommendations immediately, it is hoped that they will provide a target at which to aim. This publication is aimed primarily at librarians for them to use in fighting for improved library services.

We have also included some examples of service provision from round the world. These are not intended to be comprehensive or necessarily the most outstanding instances of service provision. They are intended to illustrate the text with some snapshots of what is happening in countries round the world and provide a glimpse of imaginative solutions to specific challenges. We realise that these are very selective and many more examples could be used which would be equally relevant. They do demonstrate what is being done throughout the world to match the public library service to the needs of its users in a local context.

In the last few years the rapid developments in information technology have revolutionised the way in which information is collected, displayed and accessed. The synergy between information and communications technology is allowing access to information in ways hardly imaginable when the last Guidelines were published in 1986. The speed of change has accelerated and continues to do so. There are few sectors of activity not affected and the public library, for which the provision of information is a primary role, is facing the challenge of radical changes in all aspects of its organisation and service delivery.

Many public libraries have responded to the challenge of the electronic revolution and taken the opportunity to develop services in new and exciting ways. There is, however, another side to this story. The United Nations Human Development Report 1999 revealed that South Asia with 23% of the world's population has only 1% of the world's Internet users. In developing countries 40% of the population have never made a telephone call. To take advantage of the opportunities information and communications technology presents there is a basic need for literacy, computer skills and a reliable telecommunications network. The risk of a growing gap between the information rich and the information poor has never been greater. This gap is not just an issue between countries at different stages of development but also between groups and individuals within countries.

Public libraries are well placed to help to bridge what is sometimes called " the digital divide " by providing information technology for public access, by teaching basic computer skills and by participating in programmes to combat illiteracy. However to fulfil the principle of access for all they must also continue to maintain services which provide information in different ways, for example, through print or the oral tradition. These are likely to remain of vital importance for the foreseeable future. In becoming the gateway to the electronic information world every effort must be made not to close other doors through which knowledge and information can be provided. These factors present public libraries with a major challenge and their response will determine the continuing viability of the public library service. The recommendations have been framed with these issues in mind.

In the introduction to the 1986 Guidelines Arthur Jones wrote " The working group identified many imperatives: the words "must" and "should" occur frequently. Nevertheless this is not a set of rules for designing an ideal library service: it is a tool to help in the development of services which will best meet the needs of your own community. The guidelines will suggest what might be possible, but local conditions will dictate what is feasible, with regard to both services and organisation." We would echo that statement: the public library is a locally based service meeting the needs of the local community and operating within the context of that community. These guidelines have been framed to provide assistance to librarians in any situation to develop an effective public library service related to the requirements of their local community. In this exciting and daunting information world it is important for those in search of knowledge, information and creative experience that they succeed.

Philip Gill

Addresses of members of the Working Group

    Philip Gill (Chair)
    13 Stoneleigh Close
    CV8 3DE
    Phone/Fax + 44 2476 414030
    e-mail: philip_gill@compuserve.com

    Barbara Clubb

    Ottawa Public Libraries
    120 Metcalfe Street
    Ontario K1P 5M2
    Phone: +1 613 598-4001
    Fax: +1 613 567-8815
    e-mail: clubbb@ottawa.on.ca

    Nerses Hayrapetian

    National Library of Armenia
    72 Terian Street
    Yerevan, 375009
    Phone: +3742 52 7782
    Fax: ++ 3742 58 0091
    e-mail: mailto:hayrapet%20@hotmail.com

    Kerstin Hassner

    Department of Administration Services, Culture and Libraries
    Ljusdal Kommun
    SE-827 80 Ljusdal
    Phone: +46 8-651 180 10
    Fax: +46 8-651 149 13
    e-mail: kerstin.hassner@ljusdal.se

    Robert Pestell

    State Library of Queensland
    Public Library Division
    299 Montague Road, West End
    P.O. Box 3815 Brisbane, Queensland 4101
    Phone: +61 732 14 32 14
    Fax: +61 732 14 32 00
    e-mail: r.pestell@slq.qld.gov.au

1章 公共圖書館的角色及功能

" 公共圖書館是地方的知識門戶, 提供個人及社團終生學習、獨立判斷、文化發展的環境。"
(教科文組織聯合國公共圖書館宣言 1994)

1.1 Introduction.

This chapter is a general statement on the role and purpose of the public library. The key issues are developed in greater detail in later chapters.

1.2 公共圖書館定義

Public libraries are a world-wide phenomenon. They occur in a variety of societies, in differing cultures and at different stages of development. Although the varied contexts in which they operate inevitably result in differences in the services they provide, and the way those services are delivered, they normally have characteristics in common, which can be defined as follows:


1.3 公共圖書館的功能

The primary purposes of the public library are to provide resources and services in a variety of media to meet the needs of individuals and groups for education, information and personal development including recreation and leisure.

    1.3.1 教育

      " 支援各種層級的正式教育及自我進修。 " (宣言)

    The need for an agency available to all, which provides access to knowledge in printed and other formats to support formal and informal education, has been the reason for the foundation and maintenance of most public libraries and remains a core purpose for the public library. Throughout their lives people require education either at formal institutions e.g. school, colleges and universities or in a less formal context related to their employment and daily life. Learning does not end with the completion of formal education but is, for most people, a lifelong activity. In an increasingly complex society people will need to acquire new skills at various stages of their life. The public library has an important role in assisting this process.

    The public library should provide material in the appropriate media to support formal and informal learning processes. It should also help the user to make use of these learning resources effectively as well as providing facilities, which enable people to study. The ability to access information and make effective use of it is vital to successful education and where possible public libraries should co-operate with other educational organisations in teaching the use of information resources. Where adequate library facilities exist to support formal education the public library should complement them rather than duplicating library provision available elsewhere.

    The public library should also actively support literacy campaigns, as literacy is the key to education and knowledge and to the use of libraries and information services. Newly literate people need easy access to appropriate reading materials to maintain and develop their skills.

    In some countries the need for educational development is seen to be paramount and the focus of public libraries is to support formal education. There are, however, a variety of ways in which public libraries can support both formal and informal education. How this is achieved will depend on the local context and the level of available resources.

    • 新加坡公共圖書館的任務是:"藉著全國圖書館網路及資訊資源中心,提供的服務及學習機會,持續提昇全國的學習能力。"

    • 南非的人民,欠缺足夠的生活空間,沒有電力,造成學習的不便;公共圖書館首要之務,是提供基本的設備、照明、桌椅等。

    • 很多國家把公共圖書館及學校圖書館的服務合而為一;英格蘭Trafford地區有三個較小的公共圖書館整合起來,共用現有的設備,另有一個分館與學校圖書館結合,有兩個分館提供休閒設備。

    • 辛巴布威( Zimbabwe)Bulawayo地區的流動圖書館,每週造訪當地37所小學,增加當地兒童接觸圖書館服務的機會。

    • 委內瑞拉Amazonas州沒有學校圖書館,支援學童及教師是鄉鎮圖書館的主要責任。

    • 西班牙巴塞隆納省公共圖書館的部份服務,係支援Catalonia空中大學的遠距教學。

    • 澳洲昆士蘭州公共圖書館提供家庭作業資源,在公共圖書館內成立家庭作業會,協助小學生及中學生完成家庭作業。 http://netlinks.slq.qld.gov.au 

    1.3.2 資訊

      "公共圖書館是地方的資訊中心, 備有各種知識及資訊供讀者取用。 " (宣言)

    It is a basic human right to be able to have access to and an understanding of information, and there is now more information available than ever before in the world's history. As a public service open to all, the public library has a key role in collecting, organising and exploiting information, as well as providing access to a wide range of information sources. The public library has a particular responsibility to collect local information and make it readily available. It also acts as a memory of the past by collecting, conserving and providing access to material relating to the history of the community and of individuals. In providing a wide range of information the public library assists the community in informed debate and decision making on key issues. In collecting and providing information the public library should, wherever possible, co-operate with other agencies to make the best use of available resources.

    The rapid growth in the volume of available information and the continuing technological changes, which have radically affected the way information is accessed, have already made a significant effect on public libraries and their services. Information is very important to the development of the individual and of society and information technology gives considerable power to those able to access and use it. Despite its rapid growth it is not available to the majority of the world's population and the gap between the information rich and the information poor continues to widen. A vital role for the public library is to bridge that gap by making information technology easily accessible as well as providing information in traditional formats. Public libraries should recognise and exploit the opportunities provided by the exciting developments in information and communications technology. They have the opportunity to become the electronic gateway to the information world.

    • 馬來亞沙巴州的公共圖書館有電子角落,上網及各類光碟,一次搞定,定期舉辦網際網路研習課程。

    • 南非的部份公共圖書館設有資訊站及電子中心。

    • 愛沙尼亞的公共圖書館設有自由使用的上網電腦。

    • 貝南、馬利、莫三鼻克、坦桑尼亞及烏干達等非洲國家,設立多功能社區電子中心,提供現代化的資訊及通訊工具。

    • 英格蘭的桑德蘭(Sunderland)地區,發展"電子村會堂",包括圖書館建築、社區大學、社區商業中心,建構成志工網路;提供免費的個人電腦及上網設備,適合成年人及兒童的軟體,以及訓練有素的員工,協助使用者。

    1.3.3 個人發展

      " 提供個人化、開創性發展的機會。" (宣言)

    The opportunity to develop personal creativity and pursue new interests is important to human development. To achieve this people need access to knowledge and works of the imagination. The public library can provide access, in a variety of different media, to a rich and varied store of knowledge and creative achievement which individuals cannot acquire on their own behalf. Providing access to major collections of the world's literature and knowledge, including the community's own literature, has been a unique contribution of the public library and is still a vitally important function. Access to works of the imagination and knowledge is an important contribution to personal education and meaningful recreational activity.

    The public library can also make a fundamental contribution to daily survival by being directly involved in providing information to developing communities e.g. basic life skills, adult basic education, Aids awareness programmes. In communities with a high illiteracy rate the public library should interpret and translate information where necessary and provide basic user education.

    • 非洲馬利有鄉村視聽圖書館,在146個鄉村間,以錄音帶方式傳播公共衛生、健康、畜牧等日常生活所需的知識。

    • 波利維亞公共圖書館舉辦很多活動,健康講座、公共衛生及營養講習、婦幼團體及青年會等。

    • 美國紐約州先鋒圖書館系統(Pioneer Library System)所屬的13個圖書館,與當地的就業服務中心合作,設有職業資訊中心,求職者可在這裡找到求才資訊,以及撰寫履歷表及面談須知等資料。

    • 委內瑞拉公共圖書館在鄉村的服務,以提供農業及畜牧資訊為主,藉以提高生活品質,以少許的資訊滿足小農的工作需要。

    1.3.4 兒童與青少年

      "從小強化兒童的閱讀習慣。" (宣言)

    The public library should attempt to meet the needs of all groups in the community regardless of age and physical, economic or social circumstances. However it has a special responsibility to meet the needs of children and young people. If children can be inspired, by the excitement of knowledge and works of the imagination at an early age, they are likely to benefit from these vital elements of personal development throughout their lives, both enriching them and enhancing their contribution to society. Children can also encourage parents and other adults to make use of the library. It is also important that young people who experience problems in learning to read should have access to a library to provide them with appropriate material.

    1.3.5 公共圖書館與文化發展

    An important role of the public library is providing a focus for cultural and artistic development in the community. This can be achieved by working in partnership with appropriate local and regional organisations, by providing space for cultural activity, organising cultural programmmes and by ensuring that cultural interests are represented in the library's materials. The library's contribution should reflect the variety of cultures represented in the community. It should provide materials in the languages spoken and read in the local community and support cultural traditions.

  • 委瑞內拉亞馬松那(Amazonas)地區的居民,多住在鄉間,使用自己的語言,當地的圖書館員訓練有素,具備協調多種文化的能力。

1.4 An Agency for Change.

In carrying out its role in these key areas the public library is acting as an agency for social and personal development and can be a positive agency for change in the community. By providing a wide range of materials to support education and making information accessible to all the public library can bring economic and social benefits to individuals and to the community. It contributes to the creation of a well-informed society and helps to empower people in the enrichment and development of their lives and that of the community in which they live.

1.5 資訊自由

    "館藏及服務不能以屈從任何意識型態、政治或宗教的檢查, 當然也要抗拒商業行為的壓力。" (宣言).

The public library should be able to represent all ranges of human experience and opinion, free from the risk of censorship. In some countries a Freedom of Information Act will help to ensure these rights are maintained. Librarians and governing bodies should uphold these basic human rights and resist pressure from individuals and groups to limit the material available in the public library.

1.6 Access for All

A fundamental principle of the public library is that its services must be available to all and not directed to one group in the community to the exclusion of others. Provision should be made to ensure services are equally available to minority groups who for some reason are not able to use the mainstream services, for example linguistic minorities, people with physical disabilities or those living in remote communities who are unable to reach library buildings. The development of services, the design of libraries and their opening hours should all be planned with the concept of universal access as a basic principle (See Chapter 3 Meeting the Needs of the Users).

The development of collections should also be based on the principle of access for all and include access to formats appropriate to specific client groups e.g. Braille and talking books for blind people. Information and communications technology should be used to allow access to the library's collections and those of other information sources both from within the library or from remote sites.

1.7 Local Needs.

Public libraries are locally based services for the benefit of the local community and should provide community information services. The services and collections they provide should be based on local needs which should be assessed regularly. Without this discipline the public library will get out of touch with those it is there to serve and will, as a result, not be used to its full potential. Librarians should, therefore, be aware of the changes in society arising from such factors as demographic change, variations in the age structure, levels of education, patterns of employment and the emergence of other educational and cultural providers.

1.8 在地文化

The public library should be a key agency in the local community for the collection, preservation and promotion of local culture. This can be achieved in a variety of ways e.g. the maintenance of local history collections, exhibitions, storytelling, publishing of items of local interest and developing interactive programmes on local themes. Where the oral tradition is an important method of communication the public library should encourage its development.

  • 辛巴布威的鄉村圖書館暨資源發展計畫,把戲劇、歌唱、舞蹈與閱讀、借書及識字結合,當成資訊流動的一部份。

  • 波瓦那的鄉村閱覽室,是保存Setswana文學及推廣Setswana語文的中心,藉著討論會、傳統歌謠、舞蹈及會議等方式,推廣在地的文化。

  • 秘魯Cajamarca地區的鄉村圖書館,參與恢復安地斯(Andean)原住民語言的計畫,出版有關在地文化的資料,編纂鄉村百科全書,做為學校及民眾的學習教材。

  • 新加坡的亞洲圖書館服務部門,提供中文、馬來文及泰米爾文的服務。

  • 古巴的公共圖書館是詩人聚會的場所,鼓勵與農民口語傳統的對話與研究。

  • 印度的鄉村圖書館是記載傳統知識的場所,村民寫書,由圖書館出版。

1.9 The Cultural Roots of the Public Library

It is important to the long- term success of the library that it should be based on the culture of the country or area in which it operates. It is less likely to succeed if the form and structure of the public library are introduced from a country or area with a very different cultural background.

1.10 館外服務

In developing policies to fulfil the role and purpose of the public library the emphasis should be on the services it provides. In meeting the needs of its community the public library will provide a range of services, some of which, for example large collections of printed material, can be most effectively delivered from a library building. However there will be many circumstances where it is more effective to provide the service beyond the walls of the library. Examples will vary in different societies but the principle of planning library development from a service rather than building perspective is important in all public library policy development. The provision of services using information and communications technology also presents exciting opportunities to take library and information services direct to the home and the workplace.

A variety of forms of transport are used to deliver services to sparsely populated areas. The provision of library and information services to people unable to visit a library due to physical disability or lack of transport, for example, ensures that access to these services is available to all at their home or workplace regardless of their circumstances.

  • 智利有多樣化的行動圖書館服務,巡迴車、巡迴船、巡迴書箱、徒步揹書及巡迴腳踏車等,穿梭全國,以圖書及文化活動服務各年齡層的民眾,安養之家、醫院及監所也是服務的範圍。

1.11 Library Buildings

. Library buildings play an important part in public library provision. They should be designed to reflect the functions of the library service and be sufficiently flexible to accommodate new and changing services. They should be located close to other community activities e.g. shops and cultural centres. Wherever possible the library should also be available for community use, for example for meetings and exhibitions and in larger buildings for theatrical, musical, audio-visual and media performances. A well-used public library will make a significant contribution to the vitality of an urban area and be an important learning and social centre and meeting place, particularly in scattered rural areas. Librarians should, therefore, ensure that library buildings are used and managed effectively to make the best use of the facilities for the benefit of the whole community.

The public library has an important role as a public space and meeting place, particularly in communities where there are few places for people to meet. It is sometimes known as the drawing room of the community.

1.12 Resources

To fulfil its roles satisfactorily the public library must have adequate resources not just when it is established but also on a continuing basis to enable it to sustain and develop services that meet the needs of the local community. This means it should provide materials in all formats, up-dated regularly to meet the changing needs of groups and individuals, including newly-published and replacement materials. It should also provide adequate levels of staff with appropriate training and sufficient funds to support whatever methods of service delivery are needed for it to meet its vital role in the community.

第二章 立法及經費

    "公共圖書館是地方政府及中央政府的職責, 該等政府必須單獨特別立法, 採用獨立的預算科目, 它必須是文化、資訊供給、識字及教育長期策略中的重要一環。." (教科文組織聯合國公共圖書館宣言 1994)

2.1 Introduction.

Public libraries are a community agency providing access at local level to a range of knowledge and information for the benefit of the individual and society as a whole. In order to maintain the level of service required to fulfil their functions public libraries should be supported by legislation and sustained funding.

2.2 The Public Library and Government.

There are many different models of the relationship between public libraries and government. Equally the laws that govern their activities and funding arrangements are varied and complex. In different countries, provinces, regions, states or municipalities are either in whole or in part responsible for library services. As public libraries are a locally based service local government is often the most appropriate place in the government structure for them. However in some countries public libraries are provided at regional or state level and the national library sometimes has responsibility for providing the public library service. There are instances of two or more levels of government co-operating in the provision of the service.

  • 衣索比亞公共圖書館法(1998)詳述各級政府的應盡職責,揭示地方政府是設立公共圖書館的權責單位,縣市圖書館負責協調圖書館服務、館際互借及圖書巡迴車等事宜,地方政府負責員工的薪資,不過,館藏資料的購置費,由中央與地方共同承擔。

    2.2.1 Alternative structures.

    In some countries, although the local authority has nominal responsibility for the public library, it does not have the required funds and non-governmental organisations or private foundations undertake the practical operation of the public library services. However to ensure sustained development and its role in the information network the public library should be closely related to and funded by the appropriate level of government. The eventual aim should be to bring public libraries into the formal government structure operating under national legislation and with appropriate levels of funding.

    • 阿根廷有1600個由非政府單位或社區設立的公共圖書館,依然遵照政府的規定營運。

    2.2.2 National Information Policies.

    In order to make the most effective use of available library and information resources, and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the development of electronic information sources, many countries are developing national information policies. Public libraries should be a key element in such policies and public librarians should ensure they are full involved in their development.

2.3 Public Library Legislation.

Public libraries should be based on legislation, which assures their continuance and their place in the government structure. Public library legislation takes various forms. In some countries or regions the legislation is specific to public libraries whereas in others it is part of wider legislation which includes different types of libraries. Public library legislation is also varied in its provisions. It can be simple, allowing the establishment of public libraries but leaving standards of service to the level of government directly responsible for the library, or more complex with specific detail on what services should be provided and to what standard. IFLA網頁提供若干國家的公共圖書館法,http://www.ifla.org/V/cdoc/acts.htm 

Because governmental structures vary so much in different countries the form and detail of public library legislation is also likely to vary significantly. However legislation governing public libraries should state which level of government is responsible for their provision and how they should be funded. It should also place them in the framework of libraries in the country or region as a whole.

  • 墨西哥及委內瑞拉特別為公共圖書館立法,哥倫比亞及巴西則把公共圖書館置於資訊服務法案內。

  • 芬蘭圖書館法(1998)規定,公共圖書館應由鄉鎮公所單獨或聯合設立,並與其他類型圖書館合作,定期評鑑圖書館及資訊服務。

  • 南非憲法(1996)規範該國的圖書館及資訊服務架構,國立圖書館之外的圖書館應由各省立法並設立。

  • 亞美尼亞的公共圖書館應由地方政府編列預算維護,地方政府法(1996)對此有詳細的規定。

  • 俄羅斯有兩個法律與圖書館有關:圖書館法及呈繳法,絕大部份的內容與公共圖書館有關。

  • 義大利憲法規定,都會及省屬的公共圖書館主管單位為Region,各Region的圖書館法協調圖書館及其他資訊、文化與教育單位的合作事宜,並設定相關的服務品質標準。

  • 歐洲的圖書館法及相關政策,由歐盟議會及歐洲圖書館資訊及文獻協會總署(European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, EBLIDA)制定。

    2.3.1 Related Legislation.

    Public libraries are subject to a range of legislation apart from the specific legislation relating to them. This can include legislation on financial management, health and safety and staff conditions and there will be many other examples. Library managers should be aware of all legislation affecting the operation of the public library.

    They should also be aware of global trade negotiations which can result in policies and agreements, which could have a serious impact on public libraries. In such cases librarians should take every opportunity to bring the effect of such policies on public libraries to the notice of the public and politicians.

    2.3.2 Copyright

    Copyright legislation is of particular importance to public libraries, particularly that relating to electronic publications. It is constantly subject to amendment and review and librarians should keep up-to-date with the legislation in relation to all media. Librarians should promote and support copyright legislation which achieves an equitable balance between the rights of creators and the needs of users.

    • 捷克圖書館協會參與著作權立法的程序,與文化部及國會的文化委員會協調,爭取圖書館的有利地位。

    2.3.3 Public Lending Right

    In some countries public lending right legislation has been introduced which provides a payment to authors and others involved in the creation of a book, related to its provision in and loan from public libraries. It is important that funds for payment of public lending right should not be taken from funds libraries have for the purchase of materials. However public lending right , if separately funded, does provide support for authors without affecting public libraries' budgets. In some schemes it can also provide useful statistics on the loans of books by specific authors. Librarians should participate in the development of public lending right schemes to ensure they are not financed from library budgets.

    2.4 Funding

    Adequate levels of funding are crucial to the success of a public library in fulfilling its roles. Without suitable levels of funding over the long-term it is impossible to develop policies for service provision and make the most effective use of available resources. This can be seen in number of examples: a new library building without adequate funds to maintain it, collections of new books with no money for their replacement and computer systems without funds to maintain and up-date them. Funding is required not only when a public library is established but should be sustained on an assured and regular basis.

      2.4.1 Priorities.

      A public library and its services is a long-term investment on behalf of the community and should be funded appropriately. It is recognised that even in the wealthiest of societies it may not be possible to provide appropriate levels of funding for every service requirement. It is vitally important, therefore, that service development should be conducted on a planned basis with clear priorities. This process is necessary whatever level of funding is available to the library service. To determine strategic planning and the maintenance of agreed priorities, written policy statements should be developed for services . They should be reviewed at regular intervals and revised where necessary.

      2.4.2 Partnership

      No public library, however large and well funded, can meet all the needs of its users on its own. Partnerships with other organisations, networking and providing access to other sources of information are essential if the public library is to satisfy the information needs of its users.

      2.4.3 Sources of Funding.

      There are a number of sources of funding used to finance public libraries but the proportions of funding from each source will vary depending on local factors in each country.

      The primary sources are

      • taxation at local, regional or central level
      • block grants from central, regional or local level

      Secondary sources of income may include

      • donations from funding bodies or private individuals
      • revenue from commercial activities e.g. publishing, book sales, sale of works of art and handicrafts
      • revenue from user fees e.g. fines
      • sponsorship from external organisations
      • lottery funds for specific initiatives.

      2.4.4 Charging the User.

      The IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto states " The public library shall in principle be free of charge ". Charging users for services and membership should not be used as a source of revenue for public libraries, as it makes the ability to pay a criterion in determining who can use a public library. This reduces access and therefore breaches the fundamental principle that the public library should be available to all. It is recognised that in some countries with very limited financial resources for public services a policy of 'cost-sharing' has been introduced, as a result of which subscriptions for use of the library are levied. This practice denies access to those unable to pay and should be seen as an interim situation and not as a permanent feature of public library funding.

      It is common in some countries to ask users to pay a fee or fine when keeping an item after it is due for return to the library. This is sometimes necessary to ensure that items are kept in circulation and not retained for a long time by one user. The fine should not be set at a level that would deter anyone from using the library.

      2.4.5 External Funding

      Librarians should be imaginative in seeking external sources of funding for the public library. However, they should not accept funding from any source, if by so doing the fundamental status of a public library as an agency available to all is compromised. Commercial organisations, for example may offer funding with conditions, which might prejudice the universal nature of the services provided by the public library.

      • 西班牙Tarragona的公共圖書館,接受當地企業的贊助,指定用於營運商業及經濟資訊。

    2.5 The Governance of the Public Library

    Public libraries should be governed by a properly established body made up largely of representatives of the local community including those elected either to the local council or to the library board. Library committees and boards should have rules of procedure and their proceedings should be open to the general public. They should meet on a regular basis and publish agenda, minutes, annual reports and financial statements. Normally the governing body will be responsible for matters of policy rather than the day-to-day operation of the library. In all cases the chief librarian should have direct access to the meetings of the governing body of the library and work closely with it. Policy documents should be made available to the public and, where possible, steps should be taken to involve local citizens in the development of the public library.

    Public librarians must be fully accountable both to their governing bodies and local citizens for their actions by providing reports, holding public meetings and through consultation. They must also maintain the highest professional standards in carrying out their duties and in advising the governing body. Although the final decisions on policy will be taken by the governing body and the librarian, ways should be sought to involve the local citizens who are the actual or potential library users. The concept of a 'Library Charter', which identifies and publicises the level of service the public library provides has been developed in some countries (See Appendix 3 for sample charter). This establishes a 'contract' between the public library and the users. Library Charters have more credibility if they are developed in consultation with users.

    2.6 The Administration of the Public Library

    Public libraries should be well managed and administered. The administration of a public library should be directed towards improving the quality of service to the users and not an end in itself. It should be efficient and accountable. To get best results the administrative and management staff of a large public library service should be multi-disciplinary involving staff with specialist skills e.g. librarians, accountants, public relations officers and system managers. It may also be necessary to draw on the expertise of staff of the parent authority or other related organisation in certain areas e.g. lawyers, payroll and pensions staff.

    2.7 Publicity and Promotion

    Public libraries operate in an increasingly complex society, which makes many calls on people's time and attention. It is important; therefore that libraries publicise their presence and the range of services they provide. Publicity ranges from simple techniques, like signs on library buildings, which state what they are and leaflets advertising opening hours and services, to more sophisticated methods like marketing programmes and the use of web sites to promote the library's services and activities. (See Chapter 6 The Management and Marketing of the Public Library).


    Chapter 3. Meeting the Needs of the Users

      "The services of the public library are provided on the basis of equality of access for all, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality, language or social status."

      To ensure nation wide library coordination and cooperation, legislation and strategic plans must also define and promote a national library network based on agreed standards of service.

      The public library network must be designed in relation to national, regional, research and special libraries as well as libraries in schools, colleges and universities.

      Services have to be physically accessible to all members of the community. This requires well situated library buildings, good reading and study facilities, as well as relevant technologies and sufficient opening hours convenient to the users. It equally implies out-reach services for those unable to visit the library.

      "The library services must be adapted to the different needs of communities in rural and urban areas."
      (IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. 1994)

    3.1 Introduction

    To be successful in fulfilling its goals the public library service must be fully accessible to all its potential users. Any limitation of access whether deliberate or accidental will reduce the ability of the public library to fully achieve its primary role of meeting the library and information needs of the community it serves. The following are important elements in delivering an effective public library service:

    • Identifying potential users
    • Analysing users' needs
    • Developing services to groups and individuals
    • Introducing customer care policies
    • Promoting user education
    • Cooperating and sharing resources
    • Developing electronic networks
    • Ensuring access to services
    • Providing library buildings

    3.2 Identifying Potential Users

    The public library has to aim to serve all citizens and groups. An individual is never too young or too old to use a library.
    The potential target groups of the public library include:

    • People at all ages and at all stages of life.
      • Children
      • Young adults
      • Adults

    • Individuals and groups of people with special needs
      • People from different cultures and ethnic groups inc. indigenous people.
      • People with disabilities e.g. blind and partially sighted, hearing impaired
      • Housebound people
      • Institutionally confined e.g. in hospitals, prisons

    • Institutions within the wider community network
      • Educational, cultural and voluntary organisations and groups in the community
      • The business community
      • The governing body of the parent organisation e.g. local authority

    As resources are limited in even the wealthiest society it is not always possible to serve all users to the same level. The library must establish priorities based on an analysis of user needs and related to their access to alternative services.

    3.3 Analysing Needs within the Community

    It is important to establish who uses and who does not use the library service. It is also necessary to collect and analyse data which identifies those needs of individuals and groups within the community which can be met by the public library (see Chapter 6.10 Management tools).

    3.4 Services to Users

      "The public library ...... has to be an essential component of any long-term strategy for culture, information provision, literacy and education". (Manifesto)

    The public library must provide services based on an analysis of the library and information needs of the local community. In planning services clear priorities must be established and a strategy developed for service provision in the medium to long term. Services should be developed for identified target groups and only provided if such groups exist in the local community.

    The services of the library should not be subject to any form of ideological, political, religious or commercial pressure. Services must be able to adjust and develop to reflect changes in society e.g. variations in family structures, employment patterns, demographic changes, cultural diversity and methods of communication. They should take account of traditional cultures as well as new technologies e.g. support for oral methods of communication as well as making use of information and communication technology. In some countries the services which the public library must provide are defined in library legislation.

      3.4.1 Service Provision

      Public libraries provide a range of services, both within the library and in the community, to satisfy their users' needs. The library should facilitate access to its services for all, including those who have difficulty reading print. The following services, which should be easily accessible to the user in a variety of formats and media, should be provided.

      • Loan of books and other media
      • Provision of books and other materials for use in the library
      • Information services using print and electronic media
      • Readers' advisory services including reservation services
      • Community information services
      • User education including support for literacy programmes
      • Programming and events

      This is not an exhaustive list but an indication of some of the key services of the public library. The range and depth of provision will depend on the size of the library and the community it serves. Every library should aim to be an active participant in one or more networks, which will give the user access to a wide range of material however small the access point. Service provision should not be confined to the library building but also taken direct to the user where access to the library is not possible. In providing services both within the library and beyond use should be made of information and communications technology as well as the printed word. A list of some of the resources the library should provide is detailed in Chapter 4.3.1.

      3.4.2 Services to Children

      By providing a wide range of materials and activities, public libraries provide an opportunity for children to experience the enjoyment of reading and the excitement of discovering knowledge and works of the imagination. Children and their parents should be taught how to make the best use of a library and how to develop skills in the use of printed and electronic media.

      Public libraries have a special responsibility to support the process of learning to read, and to promote books and other media for children. The library must provide special events for children like story telling and activities related to the library's services and resources. Children should be encouraged to use the library from an early age as this will make them more likely to remain users in future years. In multi-lingual countries books and audio-visual materials for children should be available in their mother tongue. (See IFLA Guidelines for Children's Libraries)

      • In France public libraries in many regions are co-operating with Health Services for Children to organise programmes for parents and their children while they are waiting for medical consultation. These are aimed at children from birth to three years old, to encourage parents to read aloud to their children and to visit the public library.

      • In Bucharest, Rumania the city library is offering summer programmes, run by volunteers, aimed at children from eleven to fourteen whose parents are at work.

      3.4.3 Services for Young Adults

      Young people between childhood and adulthood develop as individual members of society with their own culture. Public libraries must understand their needs and provide services to meet them. Materials, including access to electronic information resources, should be provided which reflect their interests and culture. In some cases this will mean acquiring materials, which are not traditionally part of a library's resources, which represent youth culture in a variety of media e.g. popular novels, book and television series, music, video tapes, teenage magazines, posters. To ensure it reflects their interests it is important to enlist the help of young people in selecting this material. In larger libraries this material with appropriate furniture can form a special section of the library . This will help them to feel the library is for them and help to overcome a feeling of alienation from the library, which is not unusual among this age group. Relevant programmes and talks to young adults should also be provided. (See IFLA Guidelines for Library Services for Young Adults).

      • In Hamburg, Germany young adults help to select and buy media stock for the young adults library. They select media reflecting their own cultural background and have organised and gained sponsorship for their own Internet café.

      3.4.4 Services for Adults

      Adults have a number of different requirements of an information and library service related to the variety of situations they will encounter. These requirements should be analysed and services developed on the outcome of that analysis. They should include support for

      • Lifelong learning
      • Leisure time interests
      • Information needs
      • Community activities
      • Cultural activity.

      Services meeting these needs should also be available to children and young adults.

      3.4.5 Lifelong Learning

      The public library supports lifelong learning, working with schools and other educational institutions to help students of all ages with their formal education. The challenge of providing educational support provides an opportunity for public libraries to interact and network with teachers and others involved in education. It should also provide a range of materials on a variety of topics, which will allow people to follow their interests and education on an informal basis. The public library should also provide materials to support literacy and the development of basic life skills. In addition the library must provide study facilities to students who have inadequate or no access to these facilities in their homes.

      The development in distance learning and its increasing reliance on the Internet is having an impact on the public library. Distant learners, studying at home, are likely make use of their local library as their primary source for material. Public libraries play an increasingly important role within the educational network and should provide space and access to materials to meet this demand.

      • South Dublin County Library Service, Ireland provides self-learning facilities for adults, including computer-based learning and audio and video based language learning materials. The aim is to provide a neutral and supportive environment in which individuals can learn at their own pace.

      3.4.6 Leisure Time Interests

      People need information to support their leisure time interests and meeting this need by a range of resources in a variety of formats is another key role of the public library. Public libraries must be aware of the cultural, social and economic changes in the community and develop services which are sufficiently flexible to adjust to these changes. The public library should also help to preserve the culture, history and traditions of the local community and make them readily available.

      The public library, by organising activities and exploiting its resources, should encourage artistic and cultural development in people of all ages. The library is also an important social centre for individuals and groups to meet both formally and informally. This is of special importance in communities where other meeting places are not available.

      3.4.7 Information Services

      The rapid development of information technology has brought a vast amount of information within reach of all those with access to electronic media. Information provision has always been a key role of the public library and the ways in which information can be collected, accessed and presented have changed radically in recent years. The public library has a number of roles in providing information

      • Providing access to information at all levels
      • Collecting information about the local community and making it readily accessible, often in co-operation with other organisations
      • Training people of all ages in the use of information and the associated technology
      • Acting as a gateway to the information world by making it accessible to all, thus helping to bridge the gap between "the information rich" and "the information poor".

      The dramatic development of the Internet has been largely unstructured and uncontrolled. The vast amount of information that can be accessed via the Internet is of variable quality and accuracy and a key role of the librarian is to guide users to accurate information sources which will meet their requirements.

      3.4.8 Services to Community Groups

      The public library should be at the centre of the community if it is to play a full part in its activities. It should therefore work with other groups and organisations in the community. This will include departments of government and local government, the business community and voluntary organisations. An analysis of the information needs of these bodies should be conducted, and services provided to meet these needs. Not only will this help the organisations involved it will also demonstrate in a practical way the value of the public library to people in the community who are likely to have some influence on the future of the library service. Many public libraries, for example, provide an information service to local government politicians and staff, giving a practical demonstration of the value of the public library.

      • Essex County Library, England creates web sites for voluntary organisations. It makes a small charge, below the commercial level.

      3.4.9 Services to Special User Groups

      Potential users who, for whatever reason, are unable to use the regular services of the library have a right to equal access to library services. The library should therefore establish ways of making library material and services accessible to these users. These will include

      • Special transport e.g. mobile libraries, book-boats and other forms of transport to serve those living in isolated areas
      • Services taken to the home of those people who are housebound
      • Services for those confined in institutions e.g. prisons and hospitals
      • Special equipment and reading materials for those with physical disabilities e.g. hearing impaired and visually impaired people
      • Special materials for people with learning difficulties e.g. easy-to-read materials and cassettes
      • Services for immigrants and new citizens to help them to find their way within a different society and to provide access to media of their native culture
      • Electronic communication e.g. Internet catalogues

      Services for people with special needs can be enhanced by the use of new technology e.g. speech synthesizers for the visually impaired, on-line access catalogues for those in isolated areas or unable to leave their home, connections to remote sites for distance learning. Innovative schemes should be developed to exploit the new technology to make the public library's services available to as many people as possible.

      Services for ethnic groups in the community and for indigenous peoples should be developed in consultation with the group concerned. They are likely to include

      • The employment of staff from the group in the library
      • Collections including the native literature of the group and reflecting the oral tradition and non-written knowledge of the people
      • The application of special conditions, developed in conjunction with local people, to culturally sensitive material.

      Library services can also be provided in a variety of places in the community where people congregate

      • Library services are provided at Metro stations in Santiago, Chile.
      • Beach libraries are provided in Catalonia, Spain and in Portugal during the summer months
      • Many forms of transport are used to deliver library services. Book mobiles are common in many countries. There are book boats in Norway and Indonesia, where bicycles and pedicabs are also used, donkeys in Peru which transport laptop computers as well as books, camels in Kenya and donkey-carts in Zimbabwe.
      • In parts of South Africa library services are supplied to informal settlements or squatter areas with no infrastructure. This is done in a variety of ways e.g. from car boots, steel cabinets in clinics, cargo containers, under a tree or by individuals or shops to other members of the community. Block loans are provided to schools and old people's homes and storytelling and school project information is available at after-care centres for children unable to go the library.

      3.4.10 Reading Promotion, Information and Literacy

      Reading and writing and the ability to use numbers are basic prerequisites to being an integrated and active member of society. Reading and writing are also the basic techniques needed for making use of new communication systems. The public library should support activities, which will enable people to make the best use of modern technology. It should support other institutions, which are combating illiteracy and promoting media competence. It can achieve this by

      • promoting reading
      • providing appropriate materials for those with poor literacy skills
      • working with other agencies in the community involved in combating illiteracy
      • participating in campaigns to combat illiteracy and improve numeracy
      • organising events to promote an interest in reading, literature and media culture
      • promoting and providing training in the use of computer technology
      • promoting awareness of new developments in the media market
      • helping people to find the information they need in the appropriate format
      • co-operating with teachers, parents and other contact persons to help new citizens acquire the necessary educational skills which will help them to manage their lives in the new context.

      Public libraries provide a range of creative literature and can use promotional techniques to bring its variety and range to the attention of its users. It can also organise interactive programmes which enable users to exchange views about books they have read.

      • An interactive programme developed in Wandsworth, England uses multi-media software to encourage readers to experiment with their reading and engage in dialogue about books they have read.
      • Offaly and Limerick County Libraries, Ireland, in partnership with literacy students, tutors, local literacy organisers and the National Adult Literacy Agency, are active agents in literacy provision. They make a wide range of books and other materials available to adult literacy students and their tutors and generally promote a reading culture.

    3.5 Customer Care

    The policies and procedures of the library should be based on the needs and convenience of the users and not for the convenience of the organisation and its staff. Quality services can only be delivered if the library is sensitive to the needs of its users and shapes its services to meet those needs. Satisfied users are the best advocates of the library service.

    The public library should have a positive policy of customer care. This means ensuring that in all policy planning, design of libraries and of systems, preparation of operational procedures and drafting of information and publicity material a positive effect on the user should be a prime objective. The following actions should be elements in a customer care policy

    • The image projected by all libraries must be neutral and objective
    • Staff should be courteous, friendly, respectful and helpful at all times
    • There should be a regular programme of staff training in customer care
    • Jargon should be avoided in all forms of communication, verbal and written
    • Staff should have a friendly and informative telephone manner
    • Methods of communication with the users must be provided, e.g. billboard, bulletins, web-site
    • Library services should be properly planned, adequately prepared and reliable
    • The design of the library should be as convenient and inviting as possible
    • Opening hours should be convenient for the users
    • Open public access catalogues should be available on the Internet so that the user can access services from home and outside opening hours
    • There should be efficient renewal and reservation services
    • Services should be delivered beyond the library building when users' needs require it
    • Users should receive a response in the shortest possible time. Letters and other forms of communication should be answered promptly and courteously
    • Equipment should be provided to make library use convenient e.g. drop-in boxes for returning materials out of hours; self-service issue and return equipment in the library; answering machines for communicating with the library out of hours
    • Where resources allow good quality electronic equipment should be provided in the library including special equipment for the partially sighted and hearing impaired.

      3.5.1 User Participation

      Customers should be involved in service development

      • by asking them through surveys what services they use and require
      • by analysing and responding to users' complaints
      • by ensuring the input received from users is considered in the development of policy and procedures
      • by providing feedback to users about the effects of their input on service development
      • by providing suggestion boxes and a complaints procedure.

    3.6 User Education

    The public library should help its users develop skills which will enable them to make the most effective use of the library's resources and services. Library staff must act as information navigators to help users of all ages make the most effective use of information and communications technology. Programmes of user education should be developed and the library should make every effort to bridge the gap between the information rich and the information poor. As the new technologies become more commonly available the role of the public library both in providing access to these technologies and in helping people learn how to make best use of them is of vital importance.

    Guided tours of the library should take place regularly to introduce people to the library building and services and how to use its tools e.g. catalogues and technical equipment. These guided tours have to be carefully planned according to the needs of those taking part. Tours for groups should be organised in co-operation with the institution from which they come.

    3.7 Co-operation and Resource Sharing

    Overall service to the community is enhanced when libraries develop links for exchanging information, ideas, services and expertise. Such cooperation results in less duplication of service, a combining of resources for maximum effect, and an overall improvement in community services. In addition, individual community members may in some cases be of great assistance in helping the library to carry out special tasks or projects.

      3.7.1 Formal Links

      The library should establish formal links with other organisations in the local community, e.g. schools, cultural institutions such as museums, galleries and archives, literacy programmes, chambers of commerce or boards of trade, in order to coordinate the resources and efforts of each partner and thereby jointly improve services to the community.

      3.7.2 Relations with schools

      One of the most important institutional relationships for a public library is that with the local schools and the education system in the service area. Types of linkages and/or forms of cooperation include

      • Sharing resources
      • Sharing staff training
      • Co-operative collection development
      • Co-operative programming
      • Coordination of electronic services and networks
      • Co-operation in the development of learning tools
      • Class visits to the public library
      • Joint reading and literacy promotion
      • Web-awareness for children programme
      • Sharing of telecommunications and network infrastructures
      • Jointly arranged authors' visits( See IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto)

      3.7.3 Resource Sharing

      Each library collection is in some degree unique. No collection can contain all the materials that the members of its public require. Libraries therefore can greatly enhance services to their users by providing them with access to the collections of other libraries.

      The library should also make its collection available for loan to other libraries through participation in a resource sharing network e.g. in a union catalogue or in a local network of information providers, such as schools, colleges and universities.

      3.7.4 Bibliographic Records

      The library should classify and catalogue its resources according to accepted international or national bibliographic standards. This facilitates their inclusion in wider networks.

      3.7.5 Borrowing from Other Libraries

      In order to meet the information needs of users the library should borrow materials from other libraries both within the same organisation and beyond. The library should establish interlending policies which address such issues as

      • lending materials to other public libraries
      • the type of materials it is prepared to lend or not to lend
      • the length of time for which materials will be lent
      • when it will request materials from other libraries
      • methods of shipment
      • how the costs of the service will be met
      • action to be taken if materials are lost or damaged.

    3.8 Electronic Networks

    Public libraries are instruments of equal opportunity and democracy and provide a safety net against alienation and social exclusion from technological advance - a route to universal access and opportunity. The public library is a great equaliser and must reinforce this role by becoming the electronic doorway to information in the digital age. It should enable all citizens to have access to the information, which will enable them to manage their lives at the local level, to acquire essential information about the democratic process and to participate in an increasingly global society.

    The library should provide access to the resources of the library and to those of other libraries and information services through the creation, maintenance and/or participation in effective electronic networks at the local, regional, national and increasingly international levels.

    • It is planned to introduce a virtual public library in Denmark. It will be possible to gain access to the catalogues of all public libraries plus the biggest research and special libraries. People will be able to order an item from anywhere in the country and collect it at their local library.

      3.8.1 User Access

      The library should provide free public access to the Internet/World Wide Web to enable all citizens, regardless of economic means, to have access to information available in electronic form. It should have at least one public access work station with Internet access and a printer that is not shared with staff.

      3.8.2 Remote Access

      The library should exploit information and communications technology to enable the public to gain access to as many of its electronic resources and services as possible from their home, school or workplace. If possible they should be made accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Making the library catalogue available on the Internet increases its accessibility for the public and for other libraries. The quality of service is enhanced when the library forms partnerships with the library and information world beyond the local community.

      3.8.3 Staff Access

      Library staff should have access to the Internet/World Wide Web to enable them to provide better reference and readers' advisory service to users. Staff should have regular training in using the Internet

      3.8.4 Electronic Partnerships.

      Public libraries must form part of information networks and contribute to national information policies if they are to fulfil their role as major information providers. The library should participate in local and/or regional initiatives such as community networks, programmes to develop technologically advanced communities, and electronic networks linking two or more separate agencies, where available.

      3.8.5 Information Navigator

      The public library's role is becoming one of mediator, of being the public's electronic doorway to digital information and of helping citizens cross the "digital divide" to a better future. The librarian's role is increasingly one of "information navigator" ensuring that the user gets accurate and reliable information

    3.9 Access to Services

    Physical accessibility is one of the major keys to the successful delivery of public library services. Services of high quality are of no value to those who are unable to access them. Access to services should be structured in a way that maximises convenience to users and potential users.

      3.9.1 Location of Service Outlets

      Public library service outlets should be located for the maximum convenience of residents of the community. If possible they should be near the centre of transport networks and close to areas of community activity e.g. shops, commercial centres, cultural centres. The outlet should be highly visible and easily reached by foot, public transport, where available, or by private vehicle. In well developed urban and suburban areas a public library should be available within a journey by private vehicle of about 15 minutes

      3.9.2 Opening Hours

      In order to provide the best possible access to the library service, the library must be open at times of maximum convenience to the residents of the community.

    3.10 Library Buildings

    In general when planning a library, the librarian and governing body should consider the following elements:

    • The function of the library
    • The size of the library
    • Designated spaces
    • Design features
    • Accessible shelving
    • Sign-posting
    • The ambience of the library
    • Electronic and audio-visual equipment
    • Safety
    • Parking

      3.10.1 The Function of the Library

      The library should have adequate space to implement the full range of library services that are consistent with the library's strategic plan and that meet local, area or national standards/guidelines.

      3.10.2 The Size of the Library

      The amount of floor-space required by a public library depends on the unique needs of the individual community as determined through a community needs assessment and the level of resources available. There is no universal consensus on the space required for a public library. Aids to measurement, based on standards developed in North America are included in an appendix and may be of use in the planning process. (See Appendix 4 Library Buildings-Aids to Measurement).

      3.10.3 Designated Spaces

      The library should include space for services to adults, children and young adults and for family use. It should aim to provide a range of materials to meet the needs of all groups and individuals in the community. ( See Chapter 4 Collection Development)

      The range of functions provided and the space available for each will depend on the size of the library. In planning a new library the following should be considered for inclusion:

      • The library collection including: books, periodicals, special collections, sound recordings and video cassettes and other non-print and digital resources
      • Reader seating space: for adults, children and young adults to use for leisure reading, serious study, group work and one-one tutoring. Quiet rooms should be provided.
      • Outreach services: space should be provided to house special collections and preparation areas for outreach services
      • Staff facilities including: work space including desks or PC work stations, rest space for eating and relaxing during breaks and meeting rooms where staff can meet with colleagues and supervisors in private.
      • Meeting room space: for large and small community groups. It should have separate access to the washrooms and to the exterior to enable meetings to be held while the library is closed.
      • Technology including: public access work stations, printers, CD-ROM stations, copiers, microfilm/fiche readers, public typewriters and facilities for listening to recorded sound.
      • Special equipment including: atlas cases, newspaper racks, self-service book circulation, dictionaries, wall mounted display racks, display stands, filing cabinets, map cases etc.
      • Circulation space: sufficient space should be provided for ease of circulation by both public and staff. This can be 10%-15% of public areas and 20%-25% in staff areas.
      • Building services: space must be allowed for the mechanical services of the library e.g. elevators, heating, ventilation, maintenance, storage of cleaning materials etc.

      3.10.4 Design Features

      The library should guarantee easy access for all users and in particular persons with physical disabilities. The following features should be included in the planning of a new library:

      • The exterior of the library should be well lit and identified with signs clearly visible from the street
      • The entrance of the library should be clearly visible and located on that part of the building that most users approach.
      • The library should focus on eliminating barriers to use
      • There should be no design features that limit the ability of an individual or groups to use any part of the library
      • Care should be taken to avoid steps as much as possible in both interior and exterior design
      • Lighting levels should comply with those stated in international or national standards
      • Libraries that occupy two or more floors should provide elevators that are close to the library entrance and that easily accommodate wheelchairs and child strollers
      • Baskets or carts can be provided for users in larger libraries
      • The library should provide facilities for the return of library materials when the library is closed. After-hours deposit boxes should be theft and waterproof
      • A library should undertake an "accessibility" audit on a regular basis to confirm that there are no barriers to easy use
      • Wherever possible, local, national or international standards on making public buildings accessible to the disabled should be followed.

      3.10.5 Accessible Shelving

      Materials should be displayed in open shelves and arranged at a height within easy reach for users. All shelving should be adjustable and preferably on lockable wheels so that it can easily be moved. The furniture in the children's section should be appropriately sized. Shelves should be of accessible height and width for persons using a wheelchair.

      3.10.6 Sign-Posting

      The library's exterior signs not only identify the particular function of the building but is the library's most basic form of publicity. Signs should therefore be carefully planned to communicate an appropriate image of the library. Internal areas of the library and parts of the collection should be clearly identified by signs of a professional standard so that users can easily find them e.g. the library catalogue, magazines, reference services, the children's area, washrooms, Internet stations, copy machines etc. Signs should also be posted in Braille where necessary. Where appropriate signs should be provided in languages used by ethnic groups in the community. Talking kiosks could also be considered to help all users find their way in the library. Directional signs should be erected in nearby streets and town centres to guide the public to the library.

      3.10.7 The Ambience of the Library

      The library should provide a physical setting for the library service that is inviting to the public and that provides

      • adequate space to store and display the library collection
      • adequate, comfortable and attractive space for the public to make proper and convenient use of the library's services
      • sufficient space for the library staff to carry out their duties in an efficient and comfortable setting
      • adequate space and flexibility for the future.

      The climate of the library should be maintained at a comfortable temperature, using efficient heating and air conditioning. Humidity control helps to protect the stock as well as increasing the comfort of the library.

      Larger libraries may include a café open either throughout the opening hours of the library or for special occasions. Such facilities are sometimes contracted out to a commercial provider.

      3.10.8 Electronic and AV Equipment

      As a major function of the public library is to bridge the gap between the information rich and the information poor, it has also to provide access to the necessary electronic, computer and audiovisual equipment. This will include personal computers with Internet access, public access catalogues (OPAC's) , microform readers, tape recorders, slide projectors and equipment for the visually and physically handicapped. Wiring should be up-to-date and easily accessible for alterations at a later date. It should also be inspected regularly.

      3.10.9 Safety

      Every effort should be made to ensure that the library is safe for the public and the staff. Smoke and fire alarms should be provided and security protection for staff and resources. The location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits should be clearly marked. Staff should be trained in first aid and first aid supplies made readily available. Evacuation drills should be carried out regularly. The Library Manager in cooperation with the emergency services should prepare a disaster plan to be put into action in the event of a serious incident e.g. fire

      3.10.10 Parking

      Where users travel to the library in private vehicles there should be sufficient safe and well-lit parking either at or close to the library with appropriately identified spaces for persons with disabilities. If bicycles are a common mode of transport cycle racks should be provided outside the library


    Chapter 4. Collection Development

      "Specific services and materials must be provided for those users who cannot, for whatever reason, use the regular services and materials, for example linguistic minorities, people with disabilities or people in hospital or prison."

      All age groups must find material relevant to their needs.

      Collections and services have to include all types of appropriate media and modern technologies as well as traditional materials.

      High quality and relevance to local needs and conditions are fundamental. Material must reflect current trends and the evolution of society, as well as the memory of human endeavour and imagination.

      "Collections and services should not be subject to any form of ideological, political or religious censorship, nor commercial pressures." (IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. 1994)

    4.1 Introduction

    The public library should provide equality of access to a range of resources that meets the needs of its users for education, information, leisure and personal development. The library should provide access to the heritage of its society and develop diverse cultural resources and experiences. Constant interaction and consultation with the local community will help to ensure this objective is achieved.

    4.2 Collection Management Policy

    Each public library system requires a written Collection Management Policy, endorsed by the governing body of the library service. The aim of the policy should be to ensure a consistent approach to the maintenance and development of the library collections and access to resources.

    It is imperative that collections continue to be developed on an ongoing basis to ensure people have a constant choice of new materials and to meet the demands of new services and of increased use. In the light of today's technological advances, the policy must reflect not only a library's own collections but also strategies for accessing information available throughout the world.

    The policy should be based upon library standards developed by professional staff with regard to the needs and interests of the community, and reflecting the diversity of society. The policy should define the purpose, scope and content of the collection, as well as access to external resources.

      4.2.1 Content of the Policy

      The policy may proceed from statements of universal applicability that are relevant to all library services, through more general statements that are relevant to particular countries, or regions, to statements that are specific to particular library services.

      The universal and general statements should form the basis of the policy and could include the following elements

      • Universal:
        • Article XIX of the Declaration of Human Rights
        • IFLA statement on freedom of access to information
        • Statements on Intellectual freedom, free access to library collections
        • Freedom of Information
        • Consideration of the International Copyright Convention

      • General:
        • Purpose of the collection management policy and its relation to the corporate plan of the library service
        • Long and short term objectives
        • Access strategies
        • History of the collection and/or library service
        • Identification of relevant legislation

      • Specific:
        • Analysis of community needs
        • Priorities of the library service
        • Parameters of the collection, including special collections and collections for special needs, such as multi-cultural material, literacy and resources for people with disabilities
        • Selection and discard principles and methods
        • Budget allocation
        • Responsibility within the organisation for collection development, selection and discard
        • Access to electronic resources including on-line access to periodicals, databases and other information sources
        • The role of the library as an electronic gateway to information
        • Co-operative relationships with other libraries and organisations
        • Preservation and conservation policies
        • Auditing requirements - accessioning, recording, control, discard, sale or disposal
        • Financial accountability
        • Donations policy
        • Complaints procedure
        • A resource management plan assessing the current and future needs of the collections.
        • Review and assessment of the policy

      This is not an exhaustive list but an indication of some of the issues which may be included.

    4.3 Range of Resources

    The public library should provide a wide range of materials in a variety of formats and in sufficient quantity to meet the needs and interests of the community. The culture of the local community and society must be reflected in the resource collection. Public libraries must keep abreast of new formats and new methods of accessing information. All information should be as readily available as possible irrespective of format. The development of local information sources and resources is vital.

      4.3.1 Collections

      The following categories of library materials may be represented in a typical public library, although this list is not exhaustive

      • Fiction and non-fiction for adults, young adults and children
      • Periodicals
      • Local, regional and national newspapers
      • Community information
      • Government information, including information by and about local administrations
      • Business information
      • Local history resources
      • Genealogical resources
      • Resources in the primary language of the community
      • Resources in minority languages in the community
      • Resources in other languages
      • Music scores
      • Computer games
      • Toys
      • Games and puzzles
      • Study materials including textbooks

      4.3.2 Formats

      The following formats may be included in a public library collection although this list is not exhaustive and new formats are continually appearing

      • Books, both hard and soft covers
      • Pamphlets and ephemera
      • Newspapers and periodicals inc. cuttings files
      • Digital information through the Internet
      • On-line databases
      • CD-ROM databases
      • Software programmes
      • Microforms
      • Tapes and CDs
      • Digital Versatile Disks (DVD's)
      • Videocassettes
      • Laser discs
      • Large print materials
      • Braille materials
      • Audio books
      • Electronic books
      • Posters

    4.4 Collection Development

    Collections complement services and should not be seen as an end in themselves, unless their specified primary purpose is the preservation and conservation of resources for future generations.

    Large collections are not synonymous with good collections, particularly in the new digital world. The relevance of the collection to the needs of the local community is more important than the size of the collection.

    Collection size is determined by many factors, including space, financial resources, catchment population of the library, proximity to other libraries, regional role of the collections, access to electronic resources, assessment of local needs, acquisition and discard rates, and policy of stock exchanges with other libraries.

      4.4.1 Criteria for Collections

      The main criteria for collections should be

      • a range of resources which cater for all members of the community
      • resources in formats which enable all members of the community to make use of the library service
      • inflow of new titles
      • inflow of new books
      • a wide range of fiction categories and of subject coverage
      • provision of non-print resources
      • access to external resources such as libraries of other institutions, electronic data bases, local societies, government departments or the community's knowledge of oral cultures
      • discard of old, worn and out-dated books, non-print resources and information sources

    4.5 Collection Maintenance Principles

    Public libraries of any size will contain materials in a variety of formats. Collection maintenance applies equally to all materials whatever their format. Materials on open access should be in good physical condition and contain current information. A smaller, high quality stock will result in more usage than a large stock with a high proportion of old, worn and out-dated books, in which newer titles can be lost among mediocre stock. Using out-dated reference material can result in the user being given inaccurate information.

    Materials in electronic formats complement book collections and will replace them in certain areas. Reference works and periodicals on the Internet and on CD's are viable alternatives to printed formats.

      4.5.1 Acquisition and Discards

      The library collection is a dynamic resource that requires a constant inflow of new material and outflow of old material to ensure that it remains relevant to the community and at an acceptable level of accuracy.

      Acquisition rates are more significant than collection size. The acquisition rate is often determined largely by the size of the resource budget. However it can also be affected by other factors e.g. the number of books published in local languages, the population served, the multicultural and linguistic diversity, age distribution of the population, access to on line information and special needs such as people with disabilities or older persons. The size and quality of the stock should reflect the needs of the community.

      4.5.2 Reserve Stocks

      It may be necessary to maintain a collection of books not on open access. This should only contain books, which have a current or future use and which cannot be replaced or found in any other format. This may include special subject collections, which are used on a regular if limited basis and out-of-print fiction. Books, which contain out-dated information or are in poor condition and can be replaced, should be discarded and not held in a reserve stock. In some cases it is efficient to maintain a co-operative reserve with other libraries. The maintenance of a reserve stock should be a regular and on-going activity. The availability of a wide range of information on the Internet and electronic data bases reduces the need for public libraries to keep extensive reserve stocks.

      4.5.3 Interlending

      No library or library service can be self-sufficient in stock, and an efficient and effective inter-library loan system should be an essential part of every public library service. Within a library service with several outlets a regular programme of exchange of stock between libraries makes maximum use of the stock and provides users with a greater variety of titles from which to choose.

    4.6 Standards for Book Collections

    The following proposed standards relate to book collections. Local and financial circumstances could lead to variations in these proposed standards. Where resources are severely limited these may be regarded as target figures and medium and long- term strategies should be developed to work towards achieving these standards in the future.

    • As a general guide an established book collection should be between 1.5 to 2.5 books per capita.
    • The minimum stock level for the smallest service point should not be less than 2500 books.

    In the smallest collections materials for children, adult fiction and adult non-fiction may be provided in equal proportions. In larger collections the percentage of non-fiction titles will tend to increase. These ratios can vary according to the needs of the local community and the role of the public library. Relevant collections to serve the needs of young adults should be developed (See IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Young Adults). Where the library has a strong educational role this is likely to be reflected in the composition of the stock.

    Where reliable population figures are not available alternative methods of developing standards are needed. The estimated size of the community served, the size of the library, and the number of current and anticipated users can be used as a basis for developing standards for the size of the collection. Comparisons with a number of existing libraries serving communities of a similar size and make-up can be used to determine a target figure for the size of the collection and the resources needed to maintain it.

    4.7 Standards for Electronic Information Facilities

    The development of standards for the provision of electronic information facilities is at an early stage. Current standards include the following:

    • A standard of one computer access point per 5,000 population has been used in Canada
    • A recently developed standard in England recommends that the total number of work stations, including those for on-line catalogues, which are available for public use, should not be less than 0.7 per 1000 population
    • In Queensland, Australia it is recommended that the following be provided
      • For populations up to 50,000 - I Personal Computer (PC) per 5,000 population
      • For populations over 50,000 - 1PC per 5,000 population for 50,000 population and 1 PC per each additional 10,000 population.
      • These standards recommend that at least half the public PC's should have access to the Internet and all should have access to a printer.

    4.8 Collection Development Programme for New Libraries

    An assessment is required of the population demographics in the catchment areas of proposed new library developments to determine the initial mix of collections. The development of local and regional standards should be undertaken to take account of variations in the catchment population to be served by the new library.

      4.8.1 Establishment Phase

      A basic collection should be established in new libraries to serve the needs of the general population within the catchment area. A sufficient range and depth of resources to meet general needs should be the aim at this stage rather than comprehensive coverage. The inter-library loan system should be at its peak utilisation during this phase to supplement the developing collections. Ideally a new library should be established with a minimum base stock of 1.0 books per capita. Where this is not achievable a modest growth plan should be implemented to establish this minimum base stock over a period three years. Access to electronic information sources should also be included in this phase of development.

      4.8.2 Consolidation Phase

      The objective under this phase is to achieve growth in the bookstock size, range and depth. Special conditions of the population are taken into account and collections developed to meet the more in-depth needs of the population served. The book discard factor comes into play and the collection growth rate decreases as discards begin to offset acquisitions. A growth to 2.0 books per capita would be a modest target over a three year period.

      4.8.3 Steadystate Phase

      The collections meet the needs of the community in depth, range and quantity. The quality of collections is maintained by acquisition rates matching discard rates. New formats are accommodated within the collections as they become available and access is provided to the widest possible range of resources through the use of technology.

      4.8.4 Content Creation

      The service becomes a content creator and a preserver of local community resources. Content creation includes publication of information booklets and the development of web content by providing access to information about the library or held by the library in printed formats. This positions the library as an electronic gateway by the creation of links to useful web pages.

    4.9 Acquisition and Discard Rates

    For general bookstock in an established library service the following acquisition rates may be applied:

    Population Books per Capita per annum Books per 1000 Population per annum
    Below 25 000 0.25 250
    25 000 - 50 000 0.225 225
    50 000 + 0.20 200

    The following examples suggest the size of stock for communities of different sizes.

      Scenario 1
      Established library service serving 100 000 population
      Median book stock of 200,000 volumes
      Annual acquisition rate of 20,000 volumes

      Scenario 2
      Established library service serving 50 000 population
      Median book stock of 100,000 volumes
      Annual acquisition rate of 11,250 volumes

      Scenario 3
      Established library service serving 20,000 population
      Median book stock of 40,000 volumes
      Annual acquisition rate of 5,000 volumes

      4.9.1 Small Libraries and Mobile Libraries

      The general acquisition rates would be inadequate to meet the needs of small libraries and mobile libraries where stock numbers are limited. All libraries require a certain minimum stock in order to provide a sufficient range of books from which users may make their selection. The acquisition rate of 250 books per 1000 population may not be relevant in the smallest service points where physical limitations may reduce stock levels to below the minimum recommended level of 2500 volumes. In these cases the acquisition rates, renewal rates or exchange rates should be based upon the collection size rather than the population served, and be in the order of 100% or more per annum. An efficient inter-library loan system is essential in these situations ( See IFLA Mobile Library Guidelines).

      4.9.2 Special Collections

      General acquisition and discard rates may not be relevant to some parts of the collection or to particular special collections or where special circumstances prevail. In these cases the collection policy must reflect the special needs. Particular examples of these exceptions are

      • Indigenous resources - the public library has a role in maintaining and promoting collections of resources related to the culture of indigenous people and ensuring access to them
      • Local history resources - material relating to the history of the locality should be actively collected, preserved and made available
      • Libraries in communities with a high proportion of particular groups e.g. children, retired people, young adults, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities or unemployed people should reflect the needs of these groups in their collections and services
      • Reference collections - older reference material may need to be retained to provide historical data for research.


    Chapter 5. Human Resources

      "The public library has to be organised effectively and professional standards of operation must be maintained".

      "The librarian is an active intermediary between users and resources. Professional and continuing education of the librarian is indispensable to ensure adequate services." (IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. 1994)

    5.1 Introduction

    Staff are a vitally important resource in the operation of a library. Staff expenses normally represent a high proportion of a library's budget. In order to provide the best possible service to the community it is necessary to maintain well trained and highly motivated staff to make effective use of the resources of the library to meet the demands of the community . Staff should be available in sufficient numbers to carry out these responsibilities.

    The management of library staff is itself an important task. All staff should have a clear understanding of the policy of the library service, well defined duties and responsibilities, properly regulated conditions of employment and salaries which are competitive with other similar jobs.

    5.2 The Skills of Library Staff

    The public library is a service aimed at all members of the community who will have varied and changing needs. Public library staff will require a range of skills and qualities, including inter-personal skills, social awareness, teamwork and leadership and competence in the practices and procedure of the organisation. The fundamental qualities and skills required of public library staff can be defined as:

    • The ability to communicate positively with people
    • The ability to understand the needs of users
    • The ability to co-operate with individuals and groups in the community
    • Knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity
    • Knowledge of the material which forms the library's collection and how to access it
    • An understanding of and sympathy with the principles of public service
    • The ability to work with others in providing an effective library service
    • Organising skills with the flexibility to identify and implement changes
    • Imagination, vision and openness to new ideas and practice
    • Readiness to change methods of working to meet new situations
    • Knowledge of information and communications technology

    5.3 Staff Categories

    The following categories of staff are found in public libraries:

    • qualified librarians
    • library assistants
    • specialist staff
    • support staff

    In some countries there is an additional category of library technician with an intermediate level of qualifications.

    Staff in all categories may be appointed on either a full-time or part-time basis.

      5.3.1 Qualified Librarians

      Qualified librarians are professional staff who have undertaken a course of study in librarianship and information studies to degree or post-graduate level. A librarian designs, plans, organises, implements, manages and evaluates library and information services and systems to meet the needs of the users of library and information services in the community. This will include collection development, the organisation and exploitation of resources, the provision of advice and assistance to users in finding and using information and the development of systems which will facilitate access to the library's resources. Qualified librarians will have regular contact with members of the community that they serve. In order to fulfil its functions staff with expertise in specific areas e.g. children's libraries, information officers and reference librarians should form part of the professional team.

      The following is a list of some of the duties of the qualified librarian. This list is not exhaustive nor is it likely that the qualified librarian will undertake all these activities simultaneously.

      • Analysing the resource and information needs of the community
      • Formulating and implementing policies for service development
      • Planning services to the public and participating in their delivery
      • Answering reference and information enquiries using appropriate material
      • Assisting users in the use of library resources and information
      • Developing services to meet the needs of special groups e.g. children
      • Creating and maintaining data bases to meet the needs of the library and its users
      • Designing library and information services and systems to meet the needs of the public
      • Developing acquisition policies and systems for library resources
      • Managing and administering library and information systems
      • Cataloguing and classification of library materials
      • Promoting library services
      • Evaluating library services and systems and measuring their performance
      • Selecting, evaluating, managing and training staff
      • Budgeting
      • Strategic planning
      • Keeping up-to-date with current developments in librarianship and information services, particularly electronic information resources.

      5.3.2 Library Assistants

      The duties of the library assistant include routine circulation functions and operational library tasks such as shelving, shelf-checking, processing library materials, data entry, filing, secretarial support and basic level reader enquiry work. Library assistants are the staff the public will come into contact with most frequently. It is essential, therefore, that they should have a high level of interpersonal and communication skills.

      5.3.3 Specialist Staff

      Large public library services may employ specialist staff to carry out specific functions e.g. computer system managers, administrative, financial, training and marketing staff. Specialist staff may have a qualification in their specialism rather than in librarianship.

      5.3.4 Support Staff

      Support staff include caretakers, cleaners, drivers and security staff. They carry out important functions which contribute to the smooth operation of the library service. They should be regarded as an integral part of the library's staff.

    5.4 Ethical Standards

    Public library staff have a responsibility to maintain high ethical standards in their dealings with the public, other members of staff and external organisations. All members of the public should be dealt with on an equal basis and every effort must be made to ensure that information provided is as full and accurate as possible. Librarians must be sure not to allow their personal attitudes and opinions to determine which members of the public are served and what materials are selected and displayed. The public must have confidence in the impartiality of the library staff if the library is to meet the needs of all members of the community. Library associations in some countries have developed codes of ethics, which can be used as models to introduce similar codes elsewhere.

    5.5 The Duties of Library Staff

    The operation of a library should be a team effort with a close working relationship between all members of staff. It is important, however, that staff are used primarily for tasks related to their skills and qualifications. It is a wasteful use of scarce resources, for example for qualified librarians to regularly carry out routine circulation functions. For the same reason it is not necessary to have a qualified librarian in every library regardless of size or circulation rate. Small libraries open for limited hours do not require the continuous presence of a qualified librarian. They should however be under the supervision of a member of the qualified staff. All staff should have a written contract at the time of their appointment, which clearly states their duties and responsibilities. These should not be changed without consulting the member of staff involved.

    5.6 Staffing Levels

    The number of staff required in each library service will be affected by a number of factors e.g. the number of library buildings, the size and layout of library buildings, the number of departments within each building, services provided beyond the library and requirements for specialist staff. The level of available resources is also a critical factor. Allowing for these and other local differences the following basic staffing level (excluding support staff) is recommended:

    • One full-time equivalent member of staff for 2 500 population
    • One-third of staff (excluding support staff) should be qualified librarians.

    These are basic recommended levels, which will be affected by local circumstances. Where reliable population figures are not available staffing levels can be related to the size of the library, the range of its functions and the number of users. Another method of developing an appropriate staffing level for a library service is to carry out benchmarking with libraries of comparative size and similar characteristics.

    5.7 Education of Librarians

    Qualified librarians will have undertaken a degree or post-graduate course in librarianship and information studies at a school of librarianship. To ensure that they remain in touch with the latest developments librarians should maintain a process of continuing professional development on a formal and informal basis. It is important that public librarians maintain close links with the school of librarianship in their country and are fully aware of course content. Whenever possible they should participate in the work of the school e.g. by contributing lectures, assisting in interviewing of prospective students and other appropriate forms of cooperation.

    5.8 Training

    Training is a vital element of the activities of a public library. There must be a planned and continuous programme of training for staff at all levels which should include both full-time and part-time staff. The rapid developments in information technology make the need for regular training even more essential, and the importance of networking and access to other information sources should be included in training programmes. In budgeting for the implementation of new systems, an element should be included for training. In large library services a post of Training Officer should be created to plan and implement the training programme. To ensure funds are available for training a set percentage of the budget should be earmarked for this function.

    • It is recommended that 0.5% - 1 % of the total library budget should be earmarked for training purposes.

    This level of funding for training should be maintained at times of budget reductions as the need for a well-trained staff is very important in such circumstances.

      5.8.1 Mentoring

      An effective and economical method of training is to introduce a system of mentoring. New staff work with a more experienced colleague who provides guidance and training. The mentor should be able to advise the new member of staff about issues relating to their work and employment. A check list of the training provided by the mentor should be maintained to ensure that it is carried out effectively.

      5.8.2 Contacts

      In addition to in-service training staff should be given the opportunity to attend short courses and conferences relevant to their ability to do their work. They should be encouraged to be active members of the relevant library association as this creates links with other library staff and provides opportunities for an exchange of ideas and experience. It may also be possible to arrange staff exchanges with staff in other libraries either in the same country or in a similar library in another country, which can be a valuable experience for all those involved.

    5.9 Career Development

    In order to motivate and retain skilled staff opportunities for career development should be available at all levels. If possible there should be separate career ladders for staff in different categories but when this cannot be achieved opportunities for career progress should be available to all staff. A scheme of performance appraisal should be in place that provides staff with an evaluation of current performance and guidance in improving and developing their skills. It also presents an opportunity to review career progression.

    5.10 Working Conditions

    All library staff should have satisfactory working conditions and the conditions of employment should be clearly stated in the contract given to the new member of staff when they are employed. Salaries should be at a level appropriate to the level of work being undertaken and competitive with other similar jobs in the community.

      5.10.1 Health and Safety.

      The health and safety of staff must receive priority treatment and policies and procedures be put in place to reduce risks. Consideration should be given to

      • good working conditions for staff
      • ergonomically designed furniture and equipment
      • availability of technical aids for employees with special needs and disabilities
      • the drawing up of evacuation plans and their testing on a regular basis
      • identified health and safety risks being rectified at the earliest opportunity
      • ensuring that all equipment and cabling conforms with recognised safety standards
      • the establishment of a staff health and safety committee
      • appointment and training of staff as first aid officers and fire wardens
      • provision of safety devices for staff, particularly when staff work at nights or away from the library
      • providing advanced driver training for staff who drive library vehicles
      • protective clothing when required
      • limiting the weight of cartons and loads on book trolleys.

      Public libraries are often open for long hours including evening and weekend working. In creating work schedules for staff every effort should be made to ensure their working hours provide them with adequate time off at appropriate times for social activity. It is vital that good labour relations are maintained and fostered with staff.

      5.10.2 Anti-Social Behaviour

      In any building freely accessible to the public, staff will occasionally encounter users who behave in an unpleasant and anti-social manner. Staff should be trained in how to deal with such situations and have alarm systems which can alert other staff. Senior staff should be immediately available to assist staff and full records of such occurrences should be kept.

    5.11 Volunteers

    Where a library uses volunteer help from individuals in the community to assist library staff a written policy should be in place defining the tasks of these volunteers and their relationship to the library operation and staff. Volunteers should not be used as a substitute for paid staff.


    Chapter 6. The Management and Marketing of Public Libraries

      "A clear policy must be formulated defining objectives, priorities and services in relation to the local community needs. The public library has to be organised effectively and professional standards of operation must be maintained". (IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto.1994)

    6.1 Introduction

    A successful public library is a dynamic organisation working with other institutions and individuals to provide a range of library and information services to meet the needs the varied and changing needs of the community. To be effective it requires experienced, flexible and well-trained managers and staff able to use a range of management techniques. This chapter deals with the key elements of public library management.

    6.2 Management Skills

    Management of a public library involves a number of different skills:

    • Leadership and motivation
    • Maintaining effective relationships with governing and funding bodies
    • Planning and policy development
    • Building and maintaining networks with other organisations
    • Budget negotiations and management
    • Management of library resources
    • Staff management
    • Planning and development of library systems
    • The management of change
    • Marketing and promotion
    • Community liaison and lobbying.

      6.2.1 Leadership and Motivation

      The Library Manager has a vital role in advocating the value of public libraries as an integral part of an international, national and local infrastructure. He/she must promote public libraries to politicians and key stakeholders at all levels in order to ensure they are aware of the importance of public libraries and to attract adequate funding for their maintenance and development. The Library Manager must ensure that governing authorities are informed of new developments that may impact on public library services and that the library service is a key player in providing access to the delivery of new services.

      The Library Manager is responsible for the motivation of staff and bringing energy, vitality and strength into the library service and its staff. The manager also plays a key role in managing the development of physical facilities and ensuring that the most effective use is made of resources, including information technology to enable the library service to meet the library and information needs of the community.

      6.2.2 Relationships with Governing and Funding Bodies

      To achieve its goals the public library needs adequate and sustained funding. It is very important that the Library Manager establishes and maintains a close and positive relationship with the bodies that govern the library service and provide its funding. The Library Manager as head of the public library service should have direct access to and involvement with the board or committee, which is directly responsible for the library service. As well as formal meetings there should be regular informal contacts between the Library Manager and members of the governing board and they should be kept well informed about the library service and current and future developments.

      6.2.3 Planning and Policy Development

      Planning ensures that:

      • the library responds to the needs of the community
      • the governing body, management and staff understand what the library is trying to achieve
      • community funds are spent in an effective and responsible manner
      • continuity of service is maintained regardless of changes of personnel
      • the library is able to respond effectively to change

      The determination of public library goals, short and long term objectives, strategies and performance measurement is necessary to ensure equitable, effective and efficient library service provision with access for all sectors of the community. Strategic and operational plans require formulation, documentation and adoption.

      Planning should not take place in isolation but in conjunction with the governing and funding bodies, the library staff and the actual and potential clients served. A strategic plan must be user-focused and should include the following elements:

      • review of achievements
      • examination of needs
      • identification of priorities and short term goals
      • development of strategies for achieving goals
      • identification of critical success factors
      • budget allocation
      • deployment of resources to achieve optimum performance
      • measurement and evaluation of input and output performance
      • re-assessment of needs and policies.

      6.2.4 Operational Planning

      An operational plan is necessary to ensure the activities of the library service are focused on the achievement of the priorities and goals identified in the strategic plan and should reflect the following elements:

      • a focus on service to users
      • the implementation of the priorities and goals of the strategic plan
      • the formation of operational elements of the agreed strategies
      • the development of clearly identified goals with manageable and achievable time frames
      • the definition of achievable outputs for the level of inputs
      • the inclusion of both the core activity and new service developments
      • the participation of library staff who carry out the activities
      • the allocation of responsibility to identified staff members for achieving outputs
      • a programme for monitoring, evaluating and amending the plan at regular intervals

      By-laws or local legislation, specific policies and procedures may be needed and should be properly formulated, documented and communicated to all those involved. Business and marketing plans, market research, community needs analyses and surveys of users and non-users should form part of the management process.

      Planning for the future should advocate positive change and flexibility and aim to minimise the impact of transition on services, staff and users. To achieve effective change all stakeholders must be involved in the change process and have ownership of it.

    6.3 Building and Maintaining Networks

    No public library can meet all its users' needs from within its own resources. It should be part of an information infrastructure at national, regional and local level. The Library Manager must ensure that networks are developed and maintained using information and communications technology wherever appropriate. This enables a very wide range of resources to be brought to the user at a local level. The Library Manager should also develop good working relationships with other agencies in the community e.g. schools, other local government departments and voluntary organisations for the benefit of the users, and to confirm the public library's role at the centre of community activity. The Library Manager should, wherever possible, ensure that the library takes an active and positive role within the corporate structure of the parent organisation.

    6.4 Financial Management

    Financial management and financial planning are vitally important to ensure that the library operates efficiently (at optimum performance), economically (at minimum cost), and effectively (at maximum benefit). In order to achieve these aims the Library Manager should:

    • look for ways of improving levels of funding from national, state or local government or from other sources
    • prepare 3-5 year business plans based on the library's long term plans
    • allocate funds to support activities identified in the library's policy statement and based on the priorities previously determined
    • establish partnerships for co-operative purchasing to maximise the use of available funds
    • undertake activity based costing to determine the cost of activities and programmes and to facilitate future planning
    • maintain an asset management policy for the sustainable renewal of plant and equipment
    • evaluate and implement automated techniques wherever appropriate to improve efficiency and effectiveness
    • introduce systems that will ensure that all staff with responsibility for any part of the budget will be fully accountable for the expenditure of funds for which they are responsible

    6.5 Management of Library Resources

    A major element of a library's budget is expenditure on library materials. The Library Manager should ensure that these funds are spent properly and in accordance with the agreed priorities of the library and that the materials are maintained and made available so that they can be of maximum benefit to the library user.

    6.6 Staff Management

    Library staff are a vital element of the library's resources and staff salaries are normally the largest part of the library budget. It is very important that the management of staff should be sensitive, consistent and based on sound principles if they are to work most effectively and with high levels of motivation and job satisfaction. The following are important elements of staff management:

    • An equitable procedure for staff appointments. Job and person specifications should be drawn up prior to a post being advertised. Interviews should be conducted in a way that is fair to all applicants. Appointments should be based solely on professional judgment and suitability for the post and not be prejudiced by any other factors
    • It is very important that there is good communication between staff at all levels. Managers should review internal communication systems regularly to make sure staff are well-informed about the policies and procedures of the library service
    • Staff should be given the opportunity to participate in the development of policy and operational procedures. Initiative should be encouraged making the best use of the skills and experience of staff. By bringing staff into the decision-making process they will feel they "own" the policies and procedures of the service
    • The principles of affirmative action, including the creation of nominated positions for special needs areas, may be adopted.

    6.7 Planning and Development of Library Systems

    To make the most effective use of resources the public library will require a variety of systems e.g. circulation control, financial management, internal communications. The Library Manager should ensure appropriate systems are introduced making use of specialist staff for their development where necessary. Staff must be given adequate training in the use of such systems whose effectiveness must be reviewed regularly.

    6.8 The Management of Change

    In common with many other organisations public libraries are going through a period of unprecedented and on-going change as a result of the rapid development of information technology and social and demographic change. This presents tremendous opportunities for the public library, as information provision is one of its primary roles. It also presents challenges to managers and staff to ensure change can be introduced with the maximum effectiveness and the least stress on staff and the organisation. Library managers must be aware of the issues arising from continuous and fundamental change and establish methods of dealing with them.

      6.8.1 Planning for the Future

      Library managers should be aware of developments both within and outside librarianship which are likely to have an impact on service development. They should make time to read and study so that they can anticipate the effect of changes, particularly technological, on the future shape of the service. They should also ensure that policy-makers and other staff are kept informed of future developments

    6.9 Delegation

    The Library Manager in charge of the public library service has ultimate responsibility for the service, in conjunction with the governing body. However all library staff with responsibility for any resources of the library, whether materials, staff or library premises, have a managerial role, and this should be recognised by the Library Manager and the member of staff concerned. They should be given appropriate managerial training and participate in the policy development of the library whenever possible. Managerial responsibility should be delegated to staff at an appropriate lower level. It should be made clear what responsibilities are being delegated, what the reporting mechanism to senior managers is and staff must be given training to enable them to carry out the delegated responsibilities effectively. A planned system of delegation makes best use of the skills and experience of a wide range of staff and provides opportunities for professional development. It also increases the number of people fully involved in the development and operation of the library service, improves job satisfaction and prepares staff for promotion when opportunities arise.

    6.10 Management Tools

    There is a wide range of management tools, which can be used in a public library. Their relevance will depend on a number of factors, e.g. the cultural context, the size and character of the service, the management style of other departments in the same organisation and available experience and funding. The following are however important tools for public libraries in almost any situation:

    • community needs analysis
    • monitoring and evaluation
    • performance measurement.

      6.10.1 Community Needs Analysis

      In order to provide services, which meet the needs of the whole community the public library has to establish the extent of those needs. As needs will change, this process will need to be repeated at regular intervals, perhaps every five years. A community needs assessment is a process in which the library collects detailed information about the local community and its library and information needs. Planning and policy development are based on the results of this assessment and in this way a match between services and needs can be achieved. In some countries the preparation of a community needs assessment is a legislative requirement of the local authority. The information to be collected will include

      • socio-demographic information about the local community e.g. the age and gender profile, ethnic diversity, educational level
      • data about organisations in the community, e.g. educational institutions, health centres, hospitals, penal establishments, voluntary organisations
      • information about business and commerce in the locality
      • the catchment area of the library i.e. where library users live in relation to the library
      • transport patterns in the community
      • information services provided by other agencies in the community.

      This is not an exhaustive list and further research would be required to establish what information is needed to form a community needs assessment in each situation. However the principle of preparing a community profile which will enable the librarian and the governing body to plan service development and promotion on the needs of the community is an important one whatever the local context. The assessment should be complemented by regular customer surveys to establish what library and information services the public wants and how they judge the services they receive. Survey work is a specialist skill and where resources are available a more objective result will be gained if the survey is carried out by an external organisation.

      6.10.2 Monitoring and Evaluation

      As the library service moves towards its goals, management must be accountable in terms of financial control and the monitoring and evaluation of library activities. Management must continually monitor the performance of the library service to ensure that strategies are achieving the set objectives. Statistics should be collected over time to allow trends to be identified. Community needs and satisfaction surveys and performance indicators are valuable tools in monitoring the achievements of the library. Techniques should be developed to measure the quality of the services provided and their impact on the community. All programmes and services should be evaluated on a regular basis to ascertain whether they are

      • achieving the objectives and declared goals of the library
      • meeting the needs of the community
      • able to meet changing needs
      • in need of improvement, new direction or redefinition
      • adequately resourced
      • cost effective.

      Procedures and processes operating within the library also require constant evaluation and revision to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

      6.10.3 Performance Indicators

      The availability of reliable performance information is a necessary tool for evaluation and the improvement of efficiency, effectiveness and quality of service. The collection of statistics related to resources, staff, services, circulation, activities etc. will provide data for planning, show accountability and assist informed management decision-making.

      The following key performance indicators may be used to evaluate and monitor the achievement of the library's objectives:

      Usage indicators

      • Loans per capita
      • Total library visits per capita
      • Membership as a percentage of the population
      • Loans per item i.e. turnover resources
      • Reference enquiries per capita
      • Loans per opening hour

      Resource indicators

      • Total book stock per capita
      • Provision of terminals/personal computers per capita
      • Provision of on-line public access computers (OPACs) per capita

      Human resource indicators

      • Ratio of full time equivalent (FTE) staff to population
      • Ratio of full time equivalent (FTE) staff to library use

      Qualitative indicators

      • User satisfaction surveys

      Cost indicators

      • Unit costs for functions, services and activities
      • Staff costs per functions, e.g. books processed, programmes
      • Total costs per capita, per member, per visitor, per service point etc.

      Comparative indicators

      • Benchmark statistical data against other relevant and comparable library services, internationally, nationally and locally.

      In addition to the collection and analysis of input and output service statistics, the unstated needs of non-users need to be established by carrying out market research including the use of focus groups and community surveys.

      Where reliable population statistics are not available it becomes more difficult to develop reliable performance indicators. Use can be made of estimated population totals, the comparison of costs with user and visitor statistics and benchmarking with other libraries with similar characteristics.

      6.10.4 Performance Measurement

      Performance measurement has been used in public libraries for some years. Measurements or performance indicators are established to measure the input to libraries i.e. the resources devoted to the whole or particular services, and the output, i.e. what is achieved as a result of the activity being carried out. For example the establishment of an enquiry service for users requires the input of staff, materials, equipment and floor space. The output is the number of enquiries received, the number satisfied, the level of use made of the resources and the use of other services, e.g. the reservation service, arising from the original activity. These measures can then be compared each year to see if the effectiveness of the library service is improving.

      Computer technology makes performance measurement a simpler task and enables sophisticated models of library use to be established and used in service development. Performance measurement should be a planned process carried out with consistency over a period of time. Further information about library performance indicators can be found in ISO 11620:1998 Information and Documentation. Library Performance Indicators.

      Another way of gaining a useful indication of the success of a library service is to compare key input and output measurements with other public libraries of similar size and characteristics. This is usually known as benchmarking and is a useful adjunct to performance measurements carried out internally.

    6.11 Marketing and Promotion

    Library managers can use marketing techniques to enable them to understand the needs of the users and to plan effectively to meet those needs. The library should also promote its services to the public to ensure that they are kept aware of its ability to meet their library and information requirements.

      6.11.1 Marketing and Promotion Policy

      The library should have a written communications, marketing and promotions policy to enable it to undertake a planned promotion of its services to the public. The policy should include a marketing and communication strategy and methods of evaluating promotional programmes.

      6.11.2 Marketing and Promotion Plan

      To enable the library to achieve its marketing strategy a coherent marketing and promotion plan should be developed based on the agreed policy. It could include the following elements:

      • the exploitation of print and electronic media
      • displays and exhibits
      • effective interior and exterior sign-posting
      • regular publications and the preparation of resource lists and pamphlets
      • reading and literacy campaigns
      • book fairs
      • library web-sites
      • linkages to and from related web-sites and portals
      • friends of the library groups
      • annual library week celebrations and other collective promotional activities
      • special years of celebration and anniversaries
      • library listings in the telephone book and other community directories
      • fund-raising activities and campaigns
      • public speaking activities and liaison with community groups
      • special library publications e.g. history of the library, history of the community

      This list is not exhaustive and other elements can be added depending on local circumstances.

      6.11.3 Working with the Media

      Library staff should be trained to use communication media to promote the library service and respond to media enquiries. They should be able to write articles for local newspapers and prepare press releases. They should be familiar with the techniques of speaking and being interviewed on radio and television. They should also be able to promote the library and its services via computer and telecommunication networks including the creation of library web-sites.

      6.11.4 Community Support

      The library managers must ensure that the community is aware of the importance of the library service and that municipal, regional and national funding bodies fully understand the important place, which the library occupies in the community, and support its development.

      6.11.5 Gaining Community Support

      The library should have an agreed policy and a sustained programme for developing community support. This can include:

      • maintaining a Friends of the Library organisation for fund-raising and general support
      • working with community advocates in support of major initiatives such as new buildings and services
      • forming liaisons with community groups to enhance parts of the collection or strengthen specific services
      • working with groups that wish to speak out on behalf of the library service and its development
      • participation by library staff in activities aimed at increasing awareness of the variety and value of the library service.

      The support of the community also depends on the library delivering the services it has promised to deliver.

      6.11.6 Advocacy

      The library should have established and adopted written policies which define its role in generating public support for the library service.

      A well-informed public can provide valuable support for the public library service and actively promote it within the community. Lobbying involves interaction with decision-makers to secure specific objectives at an appropriate point in the legislative, policy-making or budget process.

      6.11.7 Working with Governing Bodies

      Library managers should meet at least annually with the library's principal governing and funding body to review the library's services, development plans, achievements and obstacles. Librarians should look for as many opportunities as possible to involve its governing body in its major activities. Events such as the opening of a new library, the launching of a service, the installation of public Internet access, the opening of a new collection and the inauguration of a fund-raising drive can be used for this purpose.

      6.11.8 Participation in Community Life

      One of the most effective promotional strategies is the participation of well-informed library staff and committee or board members in community activities. Examples include:

      • presenting book and activity reviews on radio and television
      • working with adults and children's literature and cultural groups
      • writing a newspaper column
      • supporting literacy organisations and campaigns
      • participating in the activities of local organisations
      • assisting with school-based initiatives
      • participating in local history and genealogy societies
      • being a member of a service organisation e.g. Rotary
      • visiting local organisations to promote the library service.

      6.11.9 Evaluation

      The library should carry out a regular evaluation of its marketing and promotion programme and ensure the results of the evaluation are taken into account when planning future programmes.


    Appendix 1


    The Manifesto is available on-line at: http://www.ifla.org/VII/s8/unesco/eng.htm


    Appendix 2


    Issued in Helsinki On the 4th of December 1998

    In accordance with a decision of Parliament the following is enacted

    Chapter 1


    1. This act prescribes the library and information services to be provided by municipal public libraries, and the promotion of these services both nationally and regionally.

    2. The objective of the library and information services provided by public libraries is to promote equal opportunities among citizens for personal cultivation, for literary and cultural pursuits, for continuous development of knowledge, personal skills and civic skills, for internationalisation, and for lifelong learning.

      Library activities also aim at promoting the development of virtual and interactive network services and their educational and cultural contents.

    Chapter 2

    Arranging library and information services

    1. The municipality shall be responsible for arranging the library and information services referred to in this act.

      The municipality may provide the library and information services independently, or partly or totally in co-operation with other municipalities, or in any other way. The municipality is responsible for the services being in accordance with this act.

      Library users shall have access to library and information professionals, and to continually renewing library material and equipment.

      In a bilingual municipality, the needs of both language groups shall be taken into consideration on equal grounds

      In the municipalities of the Saami home area, the needs of both the Saami and the Finnish language groups shall be taken into consideration on equal grounds.

    Chapter 3

    The library and information service network

    1. A public library shall operate in co-operation with other public libraries, with research libraries and with libraries in educational establishments, as part of the national and international networks of library and information services.

      The libraries acting as the central library for public libraries and as provincial libraries supplement the services of public libraries.

      The central library for public libraries is a public library in a municipality appointed by the relevant ministry, with the consent of the municipality. Its sphere of operations shall be the whole country.

      A provincial library is a public library in a municipality appointed by the relevant ministry, with the consent of the municipality. The sphere of operations shall be laid down by the relevant ministry.

      The tasks of the central library and the provincial library shall be enacted in a decree. The relevant ministry can, after consulting the municipality, cancel the designation as central or a provincial library.

    Chapter 4

    Library services free of charge

    1. The use of the library's own collections within the library and borrowing from them shall be free of charge.

      Inter-library loans issued by the central library and by the provincial libraries to public libraries shall be free of charge.

      For other library transactions, the municipality may charge a fee amounting to the prime cost of the transaction at most.

      For a specific reason, the fee which would otherwise be fixed to amount to the prime cost may exceed this.

    Chapter 5


    1. The municipality shall evaluate the library and information service it provides

      The purpose of the evaluation is to improve access to library and information services and to promote their development. The evaluation shall monitor the implementation of the library and information services and the quality and cost-effectiveness of the services.

      Each municipality is obliged to take part in evaluation referred to by this clause.

      Decisions about national evaluation and about national participation in international evaluations shall be made by the relevant ministry, which shall carry out the evaluation together with the Provincial State Offices. The municipality shall contribute to the evaluation referred to in this subsection.

      Salient findings of the evaluation shall be made public.

    Chapter 6

    State administration of library and information services

    1. The relevant ministry shall be the national administrative for library and information services. The provincial state office shall be the regional administrative authority. The tasks of the provincial state office shall be enacted in a decree.

    Chapter 7

    Miscellaneous regulations

    1. The library system shall have a sufficient number of staff qualified for library and information service and other personnel.

      The qualification requirements for library staff shall be enacted in a decree.

      For a specific reason, the relevant ministry may grant exception from the formal qualification requirements.

    2. The municipality shall receive statutory state aid towards the cost of operating the library under the Act on the Financing of Educational and Cultural Provision (635/1998).

      The municipality shall receive a government grant towards the costs of constructing and renovating a library under the Act on the Financing of Educational and Cultural Provision. The purchase of a mobile library bus or boat shall also be regarded as construction.

    3. The library may issue library rules which contain provisions concerning the use of the library and the rights and duties of the library user.

      Infringement of the library rules shall be chargeable with fines commensurate with the infringement.

    4. More detailed provisions on the application of this act shall be issued by statute.



    Issued at Helsinki on 18th December 1998

    Section 1

    Functions of the Central Library of Public Libraries

    The central library of public libraries shall

    1. act as the national interlibrary lending centre
    2. promote co-operation of public libraries and between public and scientific libraries
    3. develop common methods and instruments necessary for organising library and information services
    4. perform other duties assigned by the competent Ministry

    Section 2

    Functions of a Provincial Library

    A Provincial Library shall

    1. support the information and interlibrary lending services of the public libraries within its region
    2. develop information services relating to its own sphere of operation
    3. provide the personnel of the sphere of operation with training in new forms and development projects of library work
    4. perform other duties assigned by the competent Ministry.

    Section 3

    Functions of the State Provincial Office

    The State Provincial Office shall

    1. in co-operation with the competent Ministry, monitor and promote library and information services needed by the population, and evaluate the accessibility and quality of the services
    2. promote regional, national and international development projects in the field of library and information services
    3. perform other duties assigned by the competent Ministry.

    Section 4

    Qualification Requirements

    A minimum of two thirds of the personnel referred to in Section 8, Subsection 1 of the Library Act (904/1998), must have a university degree, or college diploma, or a vocational qualification which includes, or has been supplemented with, a minimum of 20 credits of library and information studies at a university or a vocational institution.

    The qualification required from the person responsible for the library and information services in a municipality shall be a higher university degree which includes, or has been supplemented with, a minimum of 35 credits of library and information studies.

    Section 5

    Entry into Force

    The Decree shall come into force on the first day of January 1999.

    The provisions of Section 4, Subsection 1 shall not apply to the personnel employed by a library at the time when this Decree comes into force.

    Any process of filling a vacant post or position pending at the time when this Decree comes into force shall be subject to / comply with the qualification requirements valid prior to the entry into force of this Decree

    Before the entry into force of this Decree, necessary measures may be taken to implement it.

    Section 6

    Transitional Provisions concerning Personnel

    Not detailed here


    Transitional Provisions concerning the Completion of Studies

    Not detailed here

    Appendix 3


    Buckinghamshire County Library

    Library Service Customer Charter



    • 在白金漢郡有圖書館分館及圖書巡迴車,參照當地居民的意見,配合社區的需要,訂定開放時間。
    • 每個分館都有電腦化目錄,包括全郡各圖書館的館藏。
    • 被借出的圖書,可以在任何一個分館還書,不以當初出借的圖書館為限。


    • 圖書館同仁必定佩戴名牌為讀者服務,並已接受相當的客戶服務訓練。
    • 圖書館同仁有協助及體貼的態度,有相當的技術及經驗面對他的工作。
    • 我們不會讓櫃台及參考諮詢櫃前的讀者等候超過三分鐘,尖峰時間除外。
    • 我們立刻回應讀者的詢問,或者明確告知等待的時間。
    • 我們在三個工作天內回應讀者的書面及電話詢問,必要時,在10天之內給予完整的回覆。
    • 我們在15天內滿足70%的借書要求,30天內滿足80%的借書要求;常被借或取自外郡的圖書,才需要更長的等待時間,我們會時時告知借書的進度。


    • 我們的服務會充份反應社區的文化及語言多樣性。
    • 我們會盡一切可能,為行動不便的民眾(disabilities)提供特別的設備及服務。
    • 我們的服務會滿足特殊讀者群的需要,包括無法出門的人及在監人士。
    • 我們提供適當的訓練,使圖書館同仁得以公平對待每位讀者的需要。


    • 讀者有需要的時候,我們主動提供圖書館服務的更多資訊。
    • 我們傾聽讀者對圖書館服務的看法,讀者願意與圖書館分享他的意見及指教時,可以直接與圖書館主任約談,或者填寫意見表。
    • 我們對每個圖書館做全面性的讀者滿意度調查,至少每三年做一次,並公佈其結果。
    • 影響服務的重大議題上,我們將諮詢讀者的意見,並告知變動及其進展。


    Appendix 4

    Library Buildings-Aids to Measurement

    There is no one universal measurement for library facilities. However, because library building projects are expensive and usually financed from public funding, it is useful and helpful to have some kind of formula on which to base planning estimates for capital requests.

    The following measurements, based on standards developed in the United States and Canada, are offered for as a starting point for planning a library building. It is important that the unique needs of any community must be a primary factor in determining the final space allocated for the library.

    Finally, library planners should keep in mind that automation has changed library services patterns forever and the library must take current and future technology into account.

    1. Average square feet per capita: For a community under 100,000 population the appropriate standard is 56 sq. m. (600 sq. ft.) per capita

    2. Collection space: Collection space can be determined by using the average standard of 110 volumes per sq. m. (10.8sq. ft.) This allows for low shelving and wider aisles in specialized areas such as children's and reference collections

      Space required = 1 sq. m. (10.8 sq. ft.) for every 110 volumes

    3. User Space: A generally accepted standard for user space in a library is 5 user spaces per 1,000 capita. This allows for individual study stations in adult and children's areas, as well as informal seating, reference tables, A/V stations, public Internet stations.

      A space of 2.8 sq. m. (30 sq. ft.) for each reader station is an acceptable standard.

      A public Internet station may be provided @ 1 station/5,000 population (See also Chapter 4.7)

    4. Staff space: A recommended library standard used to determine the number of library staff (excluding support staff) is 1 staff member per 2,500 population (See Chapter 5.6). Staff space can be determined by using a total space per staff member of 16.3 sq. m. (175 sq. ft.) This figure includes work stations, reader services desks, circulation areas, lounge, locker facilities, etc.

      Space required: 16.3 sq. m. (175 sq. ft.) per staff member @ 1 staff member per 2,500 population

    5. Multipurpose Rooms: Each library should assign space for these rooms based on community service and programme objectives.

    6. Building Services: Space is required for building services including washrooms, space for caretakers and cleaners, storage for cleaning materials, mechanical services (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning), elevators, staircases, etc. The need for such space is reduced where the library shares washrooms, mechanical areas etc with another tenant in a building, or when a library is part of a multi-use facility.

      Space required = 20% of net space

    7. Minimum overall size

      The minimum size for an independent library should not be less than 350 sq. m. (3770 sq. ft.)

      In a multi-branch system, the branch should have not less than 230 sq. m. (2,500 sq. ft.) of floor space plus 14 sq. m. (150 sq. ft.) for each additional 1,000 volumes over 3,000 volumes in its collection.

    See also the section on Facilities in the Resource List accompanying these Guidelines. ( N.B. Not attached to this draft)

    Particular thanks is due to the following authors and publications:

    Dahlgren, Anders. 1996. Planning the Small Library Facility. 2nd ed. Small Libraries Publication, #23. Chicago: Library Administration and Management Association

    Dahlgren, Anders. 1998. Public Library Space needs: A Planning Guide/1998. State of Wisconsin, Department of Public Instruction. Public Library Development. [http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dlcl/pld/plspace.html.]

    Ontario Public Library Guidelines: A development tool for small, medium and country libraries. 1997. Sudbury, Ontario: Ontario Library Service North.



Latest Revision: June 27, 2000 Copyright © 1995-2000
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions