2001年4月, 英國政府公佈有三年緩衝期的公共圖書館標準, 2004年10月1日修訂公佈後, 地方政府提供的公共圖書館服務,
In 2001 the Government launched the Public Library Standards,
they came
effect in April 2001 with a three year phase-in period. The aim of the
Standards was
to help create a clear and widely accepted definition of Library
Authority’s statutory
duty to provide a “comprehensive and efficient service”, and set for
the first time a
performance monitoring framework for public libraries. Since then there
has been a
significant increase in library opening hours, improvements to stock
and ICT
provision, an increase in user satisfaction and visits.
With the introduction of Framework for the Future, the standards have
reviewed to make sure that they reflect the new strategy and do not
impose an
unreasonable administrative burden on local authorities to deliver
quality services to
meet local needs. The service standards set out below are the revised
version of the
current standards and they will form the first of two elements of the
new standards.
The service standards are a suite of targets that measure performance
across core
activities, the second element – “Impact measures” will help assess the
impact that
libraries have in contributing to achievements in the shared priority
areas and
particular local needs based on their existing activities. The impact
measures are
still being developed.
Whilst recognising the general improvement since 2001, we are aware
that some
authorities have only just reached the public library standards set in
2001, or have
yet to achieve all of them. We have therefore decided that the service
standards set
out below will continue to be set at current levels until March 2006.
We appreciate
the efforts made by all authorities to achieve the Standards and would
commend those authorities that have already met them. Authorities will
their position against the service standards in the form of a
statistical return as part
of their CIPFA return.
Some of the original standards we have dropped or amended, but
Authorities should
continue, if they think it is worthwhile, to collect and monitor their
against these indicators for their own internal management purposes.
This new package of standards should demonstrate how libraries are
meeting the
needs of their local communities. We believe that the standards are
and reflect the minimum standard of service that local people are
entitled to expect.
However, in the context of the increasing range of delivery methods
open to library
services, and in line with the principle of local discretion, we
recognise that
authorities are best placed to judge the precise needs of the
communities they serve.
We have therefore introduced a greater degree of flexibility into the
way that some
of the standards may be met. We also acknowledge that when looking at
authorities’ performance against them, there may be room for
qualification about
why your own authority may differ against certain of the standards.
Clearly though,
we would not expect any authority to claim special consideration in
missing more
than a small number of them.
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Most of all, we want authorities to be able to use the Standards for a
variety of
assessments whether that is external, peer or as a self assessment tool
to encourage
the continuation of the welcome improvement we have seen in recent
These standards have been revised after an exhaustive process involving
a wide
number of authorities and other stakeholders and following a
consultation of all
library authorities and interested groups. 48 authorities responded. A
full analysis of
responses will be made available in due course. In summary, there have
been some
changes made to the standards consulted on in June on as a result of
the responses
received. Where suggestions were not taken up, they were still
considered carefully
and we are grateful to all authorities who have been represented or who
contributed in some way to this work. This task could not have been
without your assistance. Finally, we will be continually reviewing the
standards and
we may in the future develop the service standards in areas not
currently covered
such as service efficiency.
A Best Value Performance Indicator will shortly be piloted by the
Office of the
Deputy Prime Minister based on the library standards.
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LSS1- Proportion of households living within specified distance of a
% Household within
Authority type
Sparse authorities
1 mile 2 miles
1 mile
2 miles
Inner London
Outer London
Sparse authorities defined as the 10% of authorities with highest
sparsity of
population indices. Source: Ward Sparsity 2001 census indicator.
Use of mobiles and other service outlets
All authorities will need to report on their position against the
above, but Authorities
not meeting this standard may wish to report on their use of mobiles
and other
service outlets to demonstrate, in a calculable way, how they serve the
remainder of
their community. On a scale of 1-4 a weighted allowance of 0.25 will be
added to an
authority’s score in respect of this type of provision. Authorities
wishing to be
assessed on mobile/”other” provision in this way are requested to
provide us with the
proportion of households living within a specified distance of any of
their service
Definition of how this is to be calculated
The number of households within a quarter of a mile of each scheduled
library stop
and one mile of an “other service outlet”, for all authority types,
should be identified,
and the proportion of households living within the specified distances
of a static
library; mobile library or other service outlet, reported upon. For a
mobile library stop
to count the mobile would need to visit for at least 10 mins, at least
every 3 weeks.
Those authorities that qualify as sparse need to meet the non-sparse
target when the
use of mobile or other service outlets is taken into consideration.
Definition of “other service outlet”
Spaces which allow access by the general public and, as a minimum,
provide a
staffed Information point, stock loan facilities and a public access
terminal linked to
the Internet.
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Organisations for a limited number of people or a closed community (eg
homes for the elderly) would not qualify.
All types of service outlet, including mobile stops, are to be
calculated on the basis
of the library postcodes returned in the CIPFA Actuals Survey (we will
ask for mobile
stops in future years), and will include static service points open
less than 10 hours
per week. The distance measures are irrespective of whether the nearest
point is within or outside the administrative area of the local
人口以居民為準, 倫敦區可包括通勤者; 開館時數含行動圖書館在內, 但不含旅途的時間。
This is to be based on scheduled opening hours. ‘Population’ is the
population for that authority. London authorities may use a measure of
population, taking into account daily flows of commuters and visitors
to the area. The
figure is calculated each year by ODPM to inform Standard Spending
Calculate PLSS 2 by dividing the sum of individual service point
opening hours for
the year by the population. All service points – static, mobile and
“other service
points” as defined in PLSS1 will count towards this total. The opening
hours of
mobiles should only include the scheduled time they are at each stop,
not travelling
time etc., and other service points should only include the scheduled
opening hours
of the library service space.
Enhanced population is a measure of population served. It is a measure
in calculating Standard
Spending Assessments. The enhanced population equals the sum of:
1. Resident population;
2. Average day time net inflow multiplied by 0.25;
3. Count of annual overnight visitors multiplied by 0.5, divided by
365; and
Count of annual day visitors multiplied by 0.5, divided by 3, divided
by 365.
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每週至少開放10小時, 可以上網的圖書館, 都在計算之列。
必須同時可以上網及查詢圖書館目錄, 包括行動圖書館及其他分館在內。
從預約當天起算, 至讀者接到圖書可被取得為止。
參與圖書館有關的活動, 就算是圖書館的參訪者, 包括:
可以在入口以電子方式自動計算, 也可以抽樣調查。
建議 - 94% 的讀者對圖書館評價為很好或好。
圖書館應持續蒐集讀者的評價, 做為內部管理之用。應搭配更詳細的讀者調查。
包括圖書、視聽資料、電子出版品等館藏, 但不包括報紙、期刊等。
「流通館藏」係指開架可被借出的館藏。特藏, 應被排除。包括套書及視聽資料, 不含參考資料及不外借館藏。流通館藏每6.7年應替換,
相當於每年替換 15% 的流通館藏。