
Open Source Library Network



圖書館自動化軟體有沒有進化到開放源碼的階段?Right now OSS for libraries is in a very formative, nascent stage. oss4lib, the definitive information resource for open source soft ware in libraries.  Includes current news and a listing of known projects.


  1. 自由取閱(open access)

    美國Jefferson總統:Informed public is a necessity for democracy;同樣的,軟體把源碼開放出來,也是改進應用軟體的必要階段。

  2. 人際互動


  3. 工作機會增多


  4. 同儕評鑑



Ranganathan 的圖書館學五律,被LIS News編輯Blake Carver改為:

  1. Software is for use.
  2. Every computer its user.
  3. Every reader his source code.
  4. Save the time of the user.
  5. A system is a growing organism.


"Does there exist Open Source software for maintaining a small to medium sized library card-catalog? It seems all the tools are available:
a perl module for working with 
MARC records, several for working with Z39.50 and XML, and even a web site apparently devoted to nearly this exact topic. An actual, working, catalog, however, seems to be missing. Is this something that would be valuable? I, for one, have nearly 5k volumes in my collection, and they're begging for some discipline." I'm sure cash-strapped public libraries and schools would like to be able to use free / Free tools for this, since paper books aren't going away anytime soon. Not to mention for CDs, videos, charts, museum holdings ... any ideas out there? Turnkey solutions?



  1. 圖書館的程式設計師不多,除了少數的大型圖書館之外,幾乎都沒有能力僱用程式設計師。

  2. 國家級的圖書館還沒有準備接手,不宜由個人或地方性的圖書館擔任協調溝通全國性事務的角色。

  3. 圖書館的屬性,讓它成為保守型的機構,難以推動創新的事務。

1905 至 1968 間,美國國會圖書館擔任共享編目的角色,到了六十年代晚期,才擔起發展機讀編目格式角色,不過,1967年在 Fred Kilgour 領導下,成立的 OCLC(Ohio College Library Cooperative) 才是讓共享機讀編目成功的機構。

能夠號召圖書館界的領導者,一小群主動參與的圖書館,是發動開放源碼圖書館網路(Open Source Library Network, OSLN) 的必要條件。

"MyLibrary" 及 "Metalib" 是可行的觀念,而不是針對管理圖書館的整合式圖書館軟體(Integrated Library System, ILS)。



"WHAT DOES OPEN SOURCE HAVE TO DO WITH LIBRARIES?", 美國NERCOMP(North East Regional Computing Program)主辦, 2001/4/25-4/26 在 Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 舉行, http://www.nercomp.org/sigs/libit/401libit/opensourceschedule.html


電腦必須先安裝 Unix/Linux 作業系統,以及 Apache、MySQL、Perl。

較為知名的計畫為:YAZ, MyLibrary, Jake, Prospero, OSCR, Avanti, XMLMARC

  1. Avanti, an open source ILS API, http://www.nslsilus.org/~schlumpf/avanti/
    2001/5/4, 發行0.4測試版,接洽實驗圖書館中。

  2. DLXS, University of Michigan Digital Library eXtension Service, http://www.dlxs.org/index.html 

  3. jake (Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment), a metadata collective for ejournals

  4. Koha Open Source Library System, MySQL database with Perl, 紐西蘭做的Free Open Source Library System, 應該是完整的, http://www.koha.org/

  5. MARC.pm, a Perl 5 module for reading, manipulating and writing MARC records

  6. MyLibrary@NCState, MyLibrary is a user-driven, customizable information service hosted by the NCSU Libraries, http://www.quinneylibrary.usu.edu/lib/myquinney/mylibrary/ 


  7. OpenBook is a full-feature Open Source library automation system developed for use by small public and school libraries in the U.S. and the rest of the world. 以紐西蘭開發的 Open Source Koha system 為基礎, 再加上多語等新功能。http://www.wfftrc.org/projects/openbook.html 

  8. OSDLS, Open Source Digital Library System, http://osdls.library.arizona.edu 

  9. Prospero, an ILL workflow tool for sending Ariel docs to web, http://bones.med.ohio-state.edu/prospero/ 
    網頁型的文件傳輸系統, 與 Ariel 相容, 適合館際互借之用。Windows介面。

  10. The Texas Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT) was developed by the Digital Information Literacy Office at the University of Texas at Austin, to teach undergraduates fundamental and transferable research skills., http://tilt.lib.utsystem.edu

  11. thokbook, a perl-based personal library system
    適用於七千冊以下的小型圖書館系統,採用 PostgreSQL, MySQL 或其他 flat file 資料庫;以圖書的條碼讀入它館的書目資料, http://thokbook.sourceforge.net/index.html


  1. bib2html, LaTeX and Perl scripts for generating web pages from BibTeX
  2. BioMail, runs user-defined Pubmed searches and emails results
  3. bp, a perl package for manipulating and accessing bibliographic information
  4. Catalog, a perl program that allows to create, maintain and display Yahoo! like directories
  5. CDS/ISIS, a text retrieval program used widely all over the world
  6. Cheshire, a z39.50 search engine/server
  7. Concordance, for building, um, concordances :)
  8. Database Advisor (DBA), a database selection tool
  9. director, perl script for managing links to web resources
  10. EDD (Electronic Document Delivery), an ILL workflow tool for sending Ariel docs to web (long since rewritten into Prospero)
  11. Eprints, an OAI-compliant author self-archive server
  12. FreeReserves, a db-driven online reserves system with copyright management, password-based access, and doc-level security
  13. g3data, for extracting data from graphs in scientific publications
  14. gBib, an editor/browser for BibTeX databases
  15. Greenstone, for building multimedia, multilingual collections
  16. Gutenbook (GTK+ only), for downloading and reading etexts published at the Gutenberg Project
  17. Gutenbook (multi-port to KDE/Win/etc), for downloading and reading etexts published at the Gutenberg Project
  18. iAPI for CDS-ISIS, a C library for handling low-level access to CDS-ISIS databases
    login anonymous
    password your electronic address
  19. iManager, an image collection browsing tool
  20. Internet Station Manager (ISM), for managing public internet stations
  21. JZKit, a java Z39.50 toolkit
  22. mifluz, a C++ library for building/querying full text inverted indexes.
  23. m[n]m, perl scripts for handling MARC MeSH authority records in OPACs
  24. Omsee, a probablistic IR engine
  25. OSCR, Open Source Course Reserve, an online course reserve system
  26. Ovid Statistics Log Report Generator, a perl script that produces reports from Ovid's stats logs
  27. phpBookLoan, for tracking personal book loans
  28. Public Access Network Admin Controlled Environment Application (PANACEA), for web kiosks
  29. Public Access Terminal Control (PATC), for user access control
  30. Personalize Eccles allows customization of a library home page (email Wayne Peay for the source and docs)
  31. pybliographer, for bibliographic information management/searching/editing.
  32. Reader's Robot, a free, user-contributed readers' advisory database
  33. ROADS, software tools to enable the set up and maintenance of Web based subject gateways
  34. the Simon Fraser University Library Research Instrument (SLRI), a web to Z39.50 client interface based on zclient
  35. SimpleServer (aka Net::Z3950::SimpleServer), perl module for building Z39.50 servers
  36. SIXPACK, a bibliographic reference management tool
  37. Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web (surfraw), commandline access to lots o data sources
  38. XMLMARC, a Java MARC->XML conversion toolset with a mapping DTD
  39. YAZ, a programmer's toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50v3 clients and servers
  40. ZAP, an apache module for web interfaces to Z39.50 servers
  41. ZETA perl, a Z39.50 client module for perl


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