- Introduction
- Occurrence of terms in the literature
- Literacy
- Skill-based Literacies
- Library literacy
- Media literacy
- Computer literacy, IT literacy, and electronic literacy
- Information Literacy
- Information literacy and learning
- Information literacy and bibliographic instruction
- Information literacy and business information
- Information literacy: skills and components
- Information literacy and information specialists
- Information literacy and information society
- Information literacy and literacy per se; 'informacy'
- Information literacy: criticisms of the comcept
- Information literacy; conclusions
- Digital Literacies
- Digital Literacy or digital Information Literacy
- Digital literacies: network literacy, internet literacy, hyper-literacy, and multimedia literacy
- Conclusions
- 資訊素養
- 定義
- 社會公正
- 數位落差 - 垂直面
- 數位落差 - 水平面
- 以自由軟體為工具
數位落差不是獨立存在的現象, 從圖書資訊學角度思考, 它是資訊素養偏頗的結果。數位落差係指, 在現有的社會結構下,
平等現象,此即所謂的「數位落差」(digital divide)
如同社會的其他不平等現象, 學者專家努力描述其現況, 基於社會公平正義的理想, 試圖找出解決之道,
資訊素養是電腦素養的superset, 電腦素養是資訊素養的necessary
Skill-based literacy: library literacy、media literacy、computer
knowledge、perceptions and attitudes-based literacy: information
literacy、digital literacy
素養(Literacy)原指讀寫的能力, 它的目標是消除文盲, 其讀寫能力應達到與人互相溝通的目標, 滿足其在社會的功能。能夠以母語讀寫, 並瞭解其內容的人, 通稱有素養的人。
有些學者把算術能力(Numeracy)及電腦網路技能, 列入素養的指標之一; 數位世界興起後, 運用聲音、圖片及影片等數位檔案的能力,
有素養的人是能夠讀寫簡短句子, 描述其日常生活。在其生活的社群裡, 能夠以素養執行其生活功能, 運用其讀寫及計算的能力,
1998年聯合國Human Development Report提到, 20%的英國成年人屬於功能性文盲(functionally
illiterate); 1997年9月英國Office for National Statistics結論,
將近25%的英國人看不懂火車時刻表, 也不瞭解報紙的專欄; 1999年3月Sir Claus Moser為英國政府做的報告指出,
6%的英國成年人素養很差, 即使是最簡單的句子也很費力, 13%的成年人看懂簡單的句子, 但是不會字典或電話簿等工具書。
近年來, 把素養的定義擴大為資訊素養, 包括: 傳統識字素養(Traditional
Literacy)、媒體素養(Media Literacy)、電腦素養(Computer Literacy)、及網路素養(Network
1989年美國圖書館學會資訊素養委員會出版之「總結報告書」(Final Report of the
American Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy)
中, 把資訊素養定義為知道學習如何學習,包括三項能力:「尋獲、評估、使用」(locate, evaluate, and use)。
- A Progress Report on Information Literacy: An Update on the American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final Report (March 1998), http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/whitepapers/progressreport.htm
- Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final Report, January 10, 1989, in Washington, D.C., http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/whitepapers/presidential.htm
重視素養已有數千年的歷史, 政府出面辦理義務教育, 畫定全體國民的素養底線, 卻是工業革命之後的事。學者研究指出, 有素養的人是國家最大的資產, 基於國家競爭力的思考, 有素養的國民教育訓練成本較低、工作機會多、繼續進修可能性高。
1960年之後, 基於冷戰競爭的考量, 美國聯邦政府補助5億美元擬定九年計畫, 由科學研究學會(Science Research Associates, Inc., SRA)與蘭德公司(RAND Corporation)於1969年發展出Distar system, 以一套素養培養手冊(Teach your Child to Read in 100 Lessons), 把各種教學技巧, 包裝成一套手冊, 成年人祗要依照說明, 唸書給孩子聽, 就可以培養其素養; 配套的軟體, 把發音及測驗卷一併融入, 進一步減少成年人的麻煩。然而, 對廣大地區的眾多民眾而言, 素養仍是遙不可及的理想及願景。根據聯合國教科文組織的統計, 2000年時,
有些學者把素養視為固定不變的絕對值, 會寫名字及通過特定考試, 就是有素養; 有些學者把素養視為相對變動的觀念,
隨著時間、空間及文化的不同, 對功能性素養的期望也不同。算術能力及解決問題的能力, 有時也被視為素養的一部份。
第三個標準最受爭議。不過, 最容易計算及瞭解, 因此, UNESCO採用此標準, 做為跨國評比之用。評估的標準應該具備下列特質:
Reliability & validity: 必須包括素養的各面向, 不能有任何差錯。
Practicality: 應該簡單容易執行。
Comparability: 可具體給分, 以便跨國評比。
Clarity: 評估的結果需容易瞭解及解讀。
直接評估: 對受測者個別評估, 或給予測驗。
間接評估: 用以估算受測者的層度, 如受教育年數。
上述的四個評估標準不容易同時達到, 它們甚至彼此矛盾; 有效的方法, 通常比較費時費力, 不太可行。
Prague Declaration
如美國圖書館學會在 1989年的資訊素養報告書對資訊素養提出了較明確的定義以及肯定其對個人、團體以及社會的價值( American
Library Association, 1989 )
相關的教學、管理以及經費等各方面的實施方案 ( U.S. National Commission on Libraries and
Information Science, 1990
)。在評量方式方面,美國圖書館學會針對學校圖書館訂定「學生學習資訊素養標準」(American Library
Association,1998),包括3 個標準及 7 個認定指標;1999 年底則提出了一份高等教育資訊素養標準草案,其中包括了 5
(American Library Association, 1999 )
具體而言,資訊時代包含三種能力:(一) 判斷和思考的能力;(二) 圖書館技能;(三)
網路資訊的知識能力。1989年美國圖書館學會會議曾將「資訊素養」界定為應包括四項能力:「確認、評估、尋獲、和使用」(to identify,
to evaluate, to locate, and to use),便是前述三種能力的整合。1992年Christina
訊」,並細分為以下十種能力 ( Doyle, 1992) :
1. 能辨識自己的資訊需求。
2. 能了解完整的資訊和智慧決策之間的關係。
3. 能有效的陳述資訊問題,表達資訊需求。
4. 知道有那些可能有用的資訊資源。
5. 能擬訂妥善的資訊檢索策略。
6. 能使用印刷式及用科技方法儲存的資訊資源。
7. 能評估資訊的相關及有用程度。
8. 組織資訊使能有實用性。
9. 整合新資訊成為自己原有知識的一部份。
即指具有識字能力之人,故早期的素養教育即教導民眾具有識字能力。由The Random House Dictionary of the
力。(註5)之後陸續有許多學者以不同的角度詮釋資訊素養的涵義,其中美國圖書館學會(American Library Association,
What is the Big6?, http://www.big6.com/showarticle.php?id=415
Digital equity is the social-justice goal of ensuring that everyone in our society has equal access to technology tools, computers and the Internet. Even more, it is when all individuals have the knowledge and skills to access and use technology tools, computers and the Internet.
This Digital Equity Toolkit is a guide for educators who want to integrate e-mail and the Internet into their classroom or project.
According to recent research by the National Center for Educational Statistics, 98% of schools and 77% of instructional rooms have computers and are connected to the Internet. But many classrooms and important educational projects are not connected, and these educators are deprived of excellent Internet-based resources.
Most important, even though a school or classroom may be connected, the technology may not used by students - leaving many young people technology-illiterate, without key skills they need to succeed in today's job market.
Many believe Larry Irving, the former assistant secretary for
Communications and Information over at Commerce, may have coined the
"I am certain I stole the term, but I am not certain who I stole it
from," states Irving on Carvin's listserv.
Former president Clinton used the term in his speech as early as 1995.
Jonathan Webber of the Industry Standard makes a compelling case that
somewhere back around 1995 he and Amy Harmon, when both were with the
LA Times, invented the term to describe the social division between
those who were very involved in technology and those who were not.
According to the Benton Foundation, the term was first used in
discussions of the National Information Infrastructure (NII) Advisory
Council by former President William Jefferson Clinton circa 1993.
A recently released book by Benjamin M. Companie entitled, "The Digital
Divide: Facing a Crisis or Creating a Myth," credits Lloyd Morrisset,
former president of the Markle Foundation, with creating the term.
Linguist Frank Dance maintains Morrisset also is unsure if he deserves
the credit.
Through The Net
This annual report from the NTIA examines Internet penetration into US
households. Falling Through the Net is considered by many to be the
national barometer regarding the state of the digital divide.