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Fernandes 簡介
法國人 Hilaire Fernandes 是 OFSET
創辦人暨理事長, 同時也是
計劃與 drgeo
計劃的主持人。 他於 2002 年在 University of Maines 取得碩士學位,
專攻教育工程與人因介面。 他曾任教於臺北法語學校, 教授數學, 程式設計, 自然科學等科目; 也曾擔任程式設計師; 現在任職於法國西南部
Aquitaine 省的教育局。
Organization for Free
Software in Education and Teaching
是一個國際性的非營利組織, 宗旨為向教育界推廣自由軟體。 其成員以法國人為主; 但也包含英國, 義大利, 西班牙, 臺灣等國家。
它底下有許多技術研發專案, 其中的 freeduc-cd 專案曾接受 UNESCO (聯合國教科文組織) 補助, 研發的自由軟體教育光碟由
UNESCO 推薦給中南美洲等國家, 以此低門檻高自由度的方案解決數位落差問題。
校園使用自由軟體 - 成敗經驗
Hilaire Fernandes, CRDP Aquitaine - OFSET
Fall 2005
- 自由軟體簡史 A brief history of free software
- 革努計畫的起點 How started the GNU project
- 革努計畫及其使用者 GNU and its users
- 伺服器端的革努Linux GNU-Linux in the server side
- 事實 The facts
- 範例 A few examples
- 願景 Key aspects
- 客戶端的革努Linux GNU-Linux in the workstation side
- 事實 The facts
- 範例 A few examples
- 願景 Key aspects
- 在專屬作業系統下的自由軟體 Free software with non free OS
- 結論 Conclusion
1. 自由軟體簡史 A brief history of free software
1.1 革努計畫的起點 How started the GNU project
理察‧史托曼於麻省理工學院人工智慧實驗室, 1984
Richard Stallman at MIT AI Lab, 1984
- 在此之前, 第三者軟體以原碼型式散布
Until that time third party software was distributed in source code form
- 第三者軟體必須被修訂及共享
A necessity to fix third party code and share it
- 從此以後, 軟體以二進位方式散布
However at this time, software started to be distributed in binary only form
- 軟體工程師無法修訂及共享第三者軟體
A problem for software engineer capable to fix bugs in third
party software
Birth of the GNU project, 1984
- 撰寫完全自由的仿UNIX系統
Write a complete UNIX clone system totally free
- 使用者可以:
A system where user can:
- 與其他使用者共享系統
share the system with other users
- 學習該系統
All the component necessary for an Unix like OS: study the system
- 修訂及修正該系統
modify and fix the system
- 散播修訂或不修訂後的系統
distribute the system, modified or not
GNU 通用公共授權, 合法
The GNU General Public License, the legal frame
- 確保革努計畫的自由性
Secure the freeness of the GNU project
- 避免專屬軟體佔盡通用公共授權自由軟體的便宜
Avoid proprietary software to take advantage of the GPL free
- 鼓勵研發共同合作
Encourage the collaboration between developers
Design of the first components
All the component necessary for an Unix like OS:
- Shell, Bash
Shell, Bash
- C 編譯器, GCC
C compiler, GCC
- 除錯器, GDB
Debugger, GDB
- 編輯器, Emacs
Editor, Emacs
- 標準 C 語言函式庫, Glib
Standard C library, Glib
重要的部份, 核心
The important missing part, the kernel
- 1991年, 21歲的Linux Torvald開始撰寫核心
In 1991, Linus Torvald (21 at this time), started to write a
- 這是革努計畫的重要部份
It was the missing part of the GNU project
- 與革努計畫合流, 成為革努Linux作業系統
Merged with the GNU project it forms the GNU-Linux
operating system
1.2 革努計畫及其使用者
GNU and its users
革努計畫, 軟體工程計畫
GNU, a software engineer project
The first users of the GNU project were software engineers:
- 它可以逐步啟動軟體
It helps to bootstrap it
- 它可以修正錯誤, 並撰寫更多的元件
They were able to fix bugs and to write additional components
革努計畫, 新手的作業系統
GNU, a newbie operating system
網際網路、電子郵件及文書處理等場合, 都非常適合:
Now grandma, grandpa and newbie can take advantage of the
GNU-Linux desktop. It is the perfect OS for simple Internet, mail
and word processing:
- 快速 Fast
- 可靠 Reliable
- 無病毒 Virus free
- 總結: 沒有困難 To
summarise: TROUBLE LESS
- 非常適合不很新的電腦(4年左右)
It also run very well on not very new computer (4 years old)
GNU and free software at school
- 伺服器端的革努
LinuxGNU-Linux in the server side
- 桌面端的革努Linux
GNU-Linux in the workstation side
- 在專屬作業系統下的自由軟體
Free software with non free OS
2. 伺服器端的革努Linux
GNU-Linux in the server side
2.1 事實
The facts
A few examples
Key aspects
The key elements
GNU-Linux has the following features
- 仿UNIX, 針對網路環境及多程序
It is an UNIX clone, therefore designed for network and
- 吸引軟體開發者撰寫跨UNIX的軟體, 如Samba:
It attracts software developers to write cross-UNIX software
like Samba:
- 可模擬 Microsoft Windows 伺服器
it is a Microsoft Windows server emulator
- 不必付費
without the seat cost
- 具有極高的客製性
as usual it is highly customisable
to be adapted to the specific
needs of the users
- 文件完整
it is well documented
- 網際網路上有很多支援
there are a lot of support from the Internet
GNU-Linux and Samba
90年代, 革努Linux與Samba吸引很多學校的網管, 結果非常豐碩:
In the '90s, GNU-Linux with Samba attracted a lot of school
administrators to give a try, as a consequences:
- 將各種解決方案包裝成伺服器端的革努Linux發行版本
A lot of different solutions were packaged as server side
GNU-Linux distribution for school
- 革努Linux在網路網路興起的時候, 扮演重要的角色(至少在法國如此)
GNU-Linux played an important role in the raise of the
Internet age in school (at least in France)
- 與其他自由軟體元件包裝成各種發行版本:
These distributions were shipped with other free software
components as:
- 代理伺服器及內容管制系統
proxy & filtering system
- 使用者管理工具
user administration tools
- 列印及檔案共享系統
print & file sharing system
- 電子郵件及內部網路服務
mail and intranet services
2.2 範例
Key aspects
府發展並支持學校伺服器端的革努Linux發行版本, 很多國家也這麼做。
In France several specific server side GNU-Linux distributions for
school are developed and supported by governmental agencies.
The same is true in other countries.
Let's look at a few examples...
Pingoo 發行版本
Pingoo distribution
- 由法國的地方政府 Haute-Savoie發展及支持, http://www.cg74.fr/www/
Developed and supported by the local government of
- 數百個國民中小學、鄉鎮市公所及觀光局共同發展
Deployed in hundred of primary, junior high schools, town
halls, tourism offices
- 由遠端的電腦資源中心管理及更新 - http://www.cri74.org
Administered and updated remotely form the computer
resource centre
- 適用於網際網路及內部網路伺服器
An Internet and Intranet server
SLIS 發行版本SLIS distribution
EOLE 發行版本
EOLE distribution
- 法國教育部直接支持的版本
Directly supported by the French education Office.
- 6,000所國中及高中正式安裝它
- http://eole.orion.education.fr/carte.html
6000 officially installed servers in junior and senior high
- 模組化的伺服器, 從最小的通訊伺服器到完整的內部網路解決方案
A modular server solution ranging from a minimal
communication server to a complete intranet solution
由諾曼地 CRDP 支持, 它是 SCEREN/CNDP 網路的一環, http://www.sceren.fr,
Supported by the CRDP of Normandy. It is part of the
SCEREN/CNDP network - http://www.sceren.fr - a national
agency related to ICT and pedagogical resources.
2.3 願景
Key aspects
Common characteristics
These solutions share a lot of aspects:
- 伺服器集中管理
Administration of the server is centralised
- 學校層面的管理, 很少或不需要
No or little local administration at the school level is expected
- 包括多種功能: 網際網路-區域網路路由器的功能, 取代檔案及列印共享服務的 Microsoft Windows 伺服器。
Cover the same functionalities: at minimum a Internet-LAN
router up to a drop-in replacement to a Windows server with
file and printing sharing services
- 客戶端仍使用 Microsoft Windows
Workstations are expected to be Windows ones
Why these deployments are successful?
- 發行版本的功能祗限固定的領域
The distributions are designed for a limited scope
- 配合所需的人力資源, 事先仔細規畫
The deployments are carefully planed, with the assorted
needed human resources
- 不需瞭解各校的特殊需求, 安裝的伺服器像是不能打開的黑盒子
No specific local school knowledge is required, the installed
server are like black box which can not be accessed
- 賦予的任務極為有限
The proposed functionalities are limited
- 沒有擴充的機會, 頂多做軟體的昇級
Possibilities of extension are low, in most case only software
- 客戶端仍使用 Microsoft Windows, 使用者沒有被打擾
The workstations are Windows ones, the user behaviour is not
3. 客戶端的革努Linux
GNU-Linux in the workstation side
3.1 事實
Key aspects
The key elements
- 客戶端的進展是最近的事
Important progresses in the workstation side in the recent year
- 客戶端使用革努Linux是使用者的大事
GNU-Linux in the workstation side is a lot of change for the
- 使用者的支持很重要
Need appropriate support for the end user
GNU-Linux desktop
近年來, 革努Linux桌面有相當的改進(主要是 Gnome 及 KDE):
With the recent improvements of the GNU-Linux desktop (mainly
Gnome and KDE):
- 革努Linux愈來愈好用
GNU-Linux is more and more user friendly
- 高科技公司(SUN、IBM、HP、Troll Tech ...)支援革努Linux桌面
Traditional high tech corporations are supporting the rise of
the GNU-Linux desktop (SUN, IBM, HP, Troll Tech,...)
- 出現為學校使用者而設計的發行版本
New distributions, desktop oriented for schools are emerging
革努Linux桌面是相當大的挑戰, 90年代晚期, 已有相當先驅者投入。
Although GNU-Linux in the workstation side is a much bigger
challenge, some pioneers started to promote this approach in the
late '90s.
看幾個範例 ...
Let's look at a few examples...
3.2 範例
A few examples
- 原先祗是波爾多的地區性計畫
At first a community project from France, Bordeaux
- 精簡客戶伺服器架構, 加上通訊能力
A thin client server with communication capabilities
- 後來發展成公司型態, 祗提供給採購的伺服器 - http://www.abuledu.com/
Became a corporate solution provided only through purchased servers
- 估計使用者超過30,000人
Estimate user base around 30000
- 公共機構不支援
Mostly not supported by the public institution
- 來自挪威的社區型計畫, 現在是 Debian 的一部份
A community project, emerged from Norway, and now
attached to Debian
- 精簡客戶伺服器架構, 加上通訊能力
A thin client server with communication capabilities
- 141個學校宣稱使用它141 registered schools using it
- 由挪威的若干非政府組織支援
Supported by some NGO from Norway
Linex and Guadalinex
- 西班牙的 Extremadura 及 Andalucia 地方政府支持的公共計畫
Public supported projects by the local governments of
Extremadura and Andalucia in Spain.
- 歐洲聯盟也支持
Supported by the European Union as well
- 不是精簡客戶伺服器架構, 祗是傳統的桌面發行版本
Not a thin client solution but a classic distribution for desktop
- 西班牙兩個地方政府的學校及公務機關全面配置
Equip the computer of schools and public offices of these two
- 超過 100,000 部電腦安裝它
Very large deployment, more than 100k computers
- 有份西班牙文的文件分析自由軟體在教育界的應
用, http://observatorio.ofset.org/
Worth to read http://observatorio.ofset.org, a spanish
analysis of the libre software in education
3.3 願景
Key aspects
Initiative forms
There are mainly two project categories:
- 以私人的志工資源發展、安裝、維護及訓練使用者:
One relying on private volunteer resources to develop, to
install, to maintain and to train the users:
- 長期來看, 完全依賴志工資源的計畫, 並不穩定
not alway very reliable in the long term because it depends on
volunteer resources
- 逐步發展新計畫是可行的, 第一個革努Linux桌面計畫就是這樣做起來的
Good to bootstrap new project, indeed the first GNU-Linux
desktop project for schools where volunteer ones.
- 機構支持是另一種方式:
The other one relying on institutional support:
- 起步較慢
slower to start
- 長期來看, 較為穩定
more reliable on the long term
- 多為大型計畫, 強迫革努Linux桌面必須協調一致
as the deployments are generally bigger it forces uniformity in
the GNU-Linux desktop bazaar
- 可帶動當地的科技經濟
help to bootstrap a local ICT economy
The desktop issue
The GNU-Linux desktop is facing important issues:
- 太多桌面系統
multitude of desktops
- 小型經銷商太多
tenth of widget vendors
- 瞭解另一個圖形介面, 是使用者的壓力
there is a lot of stress on the user to understand the different
graphic user interface paradigms
- 視應用軟體而定, 儲存檔案可能需要用到8種不同的對話窗
To save a file, depending on the applications, a user may face
8 different dialog layouts.
- 最糟的是, 革努Linux桌面是地方性的,
Worst! This problem is
endemic to GNU-Linux.
Nevertheless, as the Gnome and KDE desktop are emerging as the
major desktops for GNU-Linux, it forces for aggregation and attract
the developers.
還好, Gnome 和 KDE 桌面漸成氣候, 吸引若干開發者, 可能形成主流。
There is hope, but a lot will stay off the road!
The risks of the GNU-Linux desktop
事實: 好幾個法國的公立機構支持伺服器端的計畫, 但沒有對桌面表態。
A fact: In France, several public institutions are supporting server
side projects but none for the desktop.
- 使用者排斥革努Linux桌面
User may reject the GNU-Linux desktop
- 經營及使用革努Linux桌面的知識, 還不及Mircrosoft Windows普及
Knowledge about the know-how and how-to is not as common
as the Windows one
- 發展、安裝及訓練的支援還不普及
Support for developing, installing and training is not common
- 教育軟體的經銷商還是以Mircrosoft Windows為主, 革努Linux桌面有很多非技術面的政治壓力
Educational software vendors are Windows oriented, politically
the GNU-Linux desktop at school adds more pressure
- 革努Linux桌面的教育軟體, 量少且質差
Fewer & poorer educational oriented software
- 自由教育軟體的發展模式, 還有待建立
The development model for free educational software has still
to be invented
4. 在專屬作業系統下的自由軟體
Free software with non free OS
The pragmatic way
- 無法推動革努Linux桌面時, 推動專屬作業系統下的自由軟體不失為簡單的方法: 有數十種軟體立即可用
When you can't promote the use of the GNU-Linux desktop,
promoting free software on non free operating system is an
easier way: there are tenth of cd-rom cd-roms ready to be
- 對負面的反應要有心理準備: 不是每個人喜愛自由或尊重著作權
Nevertheless, be ready to face negative reactions: not
everyone cherish freedom or respect copyright.
- 在我服務的學區裡, 每個國中生都配發筆記型電腦, 我幫他們安裝了 OpenOffice.org [辦公室套裝軟體]、Mozilla
[瀏覽器]、Gimp [影像處理]、Dia [流程設計軟體]、Audacity [成音工程]及 Squeak [物件導向程式語言]。
In my local area, where notebooks are distributed to each
junior high school student, I successfully promoted the
shipment of The Gimp, Dia, Audacity and Squeak in top of
OpenOffice.org, Mozilla.
5. 結論
An incontrollable growth
喜歡與否, 自由軟體運動將持續成長:
Like it or not, the free software movement will last and keep
- 在社會經濟各層面活躍: 企圖控制它的濫招, 不會成功, 即使SCO也不會成功。
It is playing in a different socio-economic arena: the dirty
tricks to control the market do not wok with it. Even the
remoted SCO attempted failed!
- 市場獨佔下的修訂軟體錯誤的機制
It is a bug fix of the monopoly situation in the market
- 它是自由的, 如同19世紀及20世紀的自由經濟, 自由軟體的適應性及非保守性, 有助於科技的發展
It is about liberalism! As the economic liberalism has boosted
the XIXs and XXs economy, the free software is and will boost
ICT because it is adaptive and un-conservative
- IBM、波音、UPS等大型公司, 已經採用它。
Big players are massively adopting it: IBM, Boeing, UPS,...
The move in the education
- 很多地區已大量採用革努Linux桌面, 應注意這些計畫的發展。
Several geographic areas are massively adopting the
GNU-Linux desktop. It is interesting to examine the evolution
of these projects.
- Ubuntu [給人用的Linux] - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/
及 Edubuntu [給年青人用的Linux] - http://www.edubuntu.org/,
Ubuntu and its educational variant Edubuntu enters the
education market.
當 Edubuntu 成熟至 Ubuntu 水準時, 革努Linux桌面就會大量被學校採用。
If Edubuntu reaches the Ubuntu level of excellence, this
distribution will boost the penetration of the GNU-Linux
desktop in schools.
- 不過, 教育機構通常很保守, 欠缺內部的競爭機制, 所以改變很緩慢。
Nevertheless, the educational institutions are very often
conservative - lack of internal competences on the matter - so the
shift will be slow.
Hilaire Fernandes 2005 秋天訪臺行程 -
2005/10/24 至 2005/11/12