Edition Area
毛慶禎 |
輔仁大學圖書資訊學系 |
2000/11/21 |
在英文裡, Edition, Impression, Issue, Facsimile Reproduction 及 Reprint 的定義相當清楚, 彼此界限非常明顯。
圖書: 實質上來自同一版型的複本, 不論是凸版、凹版或平版印刷, 均稱這些複本是同一版。All copies produced from essentially the same type image (whether by direct contact or by photographic or other methonds) and issued by the same entity.
電腦檔: All copies embodying essencially the same content and issued by the same entity.
其他資料: All copies produced from the same master copy and issued by the same entity. A change in the identity of the distributor does not mean a change of edition.
未出版資料: All copies made from essentially the same original production (e.g. the original and carbon copies of a typescript).
其主要目的係模擬原作的外形, 並精確的仿造其內容。
A reproduction simulating the physical appearance of the original in addition to reproducing its content exactly.
All copies of an edition of a book, pamphlet, etc., printed at one time.
某版本的部份複本自成一格, 與其他複本有明顯的區別。通常為修正錯誤或校正內容, 而將新的結果直接入原來的版型, 形成新的「刷」。
Copies of an edition forming a distinct group that are distinguished from other copies of that edition by minor but well-defined variations (e.g., a new impression of a book for which minor revisions have been incorporated into the original type image).
由原版型重新印刷的作品, 通常採用照相印刷的方式。其內容或許與原版相同(刷), 或許有若干明確的區別(印)。
A new printing of an item made from the original type image, commonly by photographic methods. The reprint may reproduce the original exactly (an impression(q.v.)) or it may contain minor but well-defined variations (an issue(q.v.)).
雖然不採用原版型, 但內容卻沒有實質的改變。
A new edition with substantially unchanged text.
機讀編目格式欄位: 205
應原文照錄有關版本的敘述, 符合英美編目規則第二版附錄B的縮寫及附錄C的數字, 可以適度縮寫。(1.2B1) 倘若是英文的版本敘述, 應以序數(1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)表達。(C.8A) 其他語言也應比照辦理, 第一版、第二版、第三版等。
對特定版本修改增補之著者敘述述, 著錄於該版本之後。(1.2C1)(1.2.2)
毛慶禎 |