毛慶禎 |
輔仁大學圖書資訊學系 |
2000/11/17 |
目錄 (catalogue)
A list of library materials contained in a collection, a library, or a group of libraries, arranged according to some definite plan.
In a wider sense, a list of materials prepared for a particular purpose (e.g., an exibition catalogue, a sales catalogue)
編目 (cataloguing)
- 敘述編目
- 機讀編目格式
- 主題標目
- 分類法
Charles Ammi Cutter 的主張(1876):
A library's catalog should:
allow someone to locate materials if that person knows either
the subject;
show the library's holdings
assist in the choice of a work
1961年, IFLA召開 International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, 結果產生 Paris Principles, 其中:
2.1 wether the library contains a particular book specified by
a. its author and title, or
b. if the author is not named in the book its title alone,
c. if the author and title are inappropriate or
insufficient for identification, a suitable substitute for the title; and
2.2 a. which works by a particular author and
b. which editions of a particularwork are in the library.
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Record (FRBR)
Fattahi, Rahmatollah "AACR2 and catalogue production technology," (Toronto conference paper, 1997)
目錄的功用為何?試以 Charles A. Cutter 的說法與巴黎原則為例,說明之。
毛慶禎 |