


  1. 終身學習的環境
  2. 聯合國的做法
  3. 英國的努力
  4. 美國的教育方式
  5. 學習的本質
  6. 以網路為工具
  7. 個人的認知
  8. 公會的配合

The term E-rate, or Education Rate, has become common usage for the maximum-price limitation and discount rates established by the FCC in Section X of its report and order released on May 8, 1997, in Rural-State Joint Board on Universal Service, CC Docket No. 96-45 (E-Rate Ruling).

  1. National Year of Reading
  2. 英國的終身學習計晝 The Learning Age


  1. National Grid for Learning 計畫
  2. The Role of Libraries in the Modern World 圖書館在現代世界的角色,  http://www.lib.hel.fi/syke/english/publications/report.htm。1998/10/12 歐洲議會一致通過的綠皮書, 述及接觸知識的五個途徑:

    1. 終身學習 (lifelong learning )
    2. 著作權 (copyright )
    3. 識字 (literacy)
    4. 社區資訊服務 (regional information services)
    5. 公共圖書館合作 (public library collaboration)

    相關的文件連結在 http://www2.echo.lo/libraires/en/green.html

Higher Education in the Learning Society, National committee of Inquiry into Higher Education. Chair: Sir Ron Dearing. 1997
指出在終身學習環境下, 成功的學生應具備四個關鍵技能:
  1. Communication
  2. Numeracy
  3. Use of IT
  4. Learning how to learn
The Learning Society: National Grid for learning



輔仁大學圖書資訊學系 毛慶禎